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I woke up to Mark sitting next to me. He was holding my hand whispering something. The pain was gone. I sat up getting his attention. 

"Oh Thank God." He got up and hugged me. "I thought..." 

"Shh, I'm fine." I mumbled. 

"You were right when you said the twins hit something." Mark sniffed. 

I nodded. 

"Jayda, I never told you this but you told me so many times." He took in a deep breathe. 

"I told you what so many times?" I asked him. 

"All those nights you thought I was sleeping." He bit his lip. "All those nights you said 'I love you' but I never told you that I love you back." 

My heart beat picked up. The machine started going crazy the nurses and doctor rushed it. 

"I love you Jayda Walker." Mark smiled. 

I didn't know what to say. The doctor and nurses stood looking at us. 

"Everything is fine here." Mark looked at them. 

They nodded and left the room. 

"You should be in Japan." I looked at him. 

"How can I stay in Japan when my pregnant girlfriend is the hospital?" He cupped my cheek. 

"I'm fine now, please go back to Japan." I put my hand over his. "It's where you need to be, your fans..." 

"My fans will understand." He cut me off. "I'm not leaving your side until you're cleared to go home." 

I nodded my head. 

"The boys already told the IGOT7. They know why I left." Mark smiled at me. "How are they doing?" He looked at my stomach. 

"They're calm at the moment." I smiled. "Here." 

I took his hand placed it on my stomach. His eyes widen and he smiled. 

"I think it's a foot." I laughed. "There's one right here." 

"Does it hurt when they kick?" He mumbled. 

"Yeah, but it hurts worse when they fight." I sighed. 

"Fight?" He sounded worried. 

"Yeah, they fight over certain spots." I pushed on my stomach. 

"Is something wrong?" I heard the worry in voice.

"I'm fine, they're just pushing to one side." I groaned. 

I'm only seven months and yet they're getting to be too much. I laid down they stopped moving. I let out a sighed. 

I was released a few hours later. I kissed Mark goodbye before he flew back Japan. I laid on the couch watching tv. There wasn't anything on so I decided to read a book. It was the book Jinyoung read me a while back. We never finished it. With the help of Jinyoung and Youngjae I learned how to read Korean. 


It's been a month now. Mark said they were gonna be a few more days. It made me sad but it's not like he can help it. I could barely walk. I can't even see my feet. I only move when I have to. I stay on the couch most of the time. I was half asleep when I heard my door knob jiggle. I looked at it to see Jackson walking in quietly. It was almost midnight. 

"Shh, you might wake her." Mark whispered. 

I closed my eyes and pretended like I was sleeping. 

"She's on the couch." Jackson mumbled. 

"Why is she on the couch?" Mark mumbled. "She has to be uncomfortable." 

But really I was comfortable. I felt him tap me on the shoulder. 

"Jayda?" He whispered. "Baby, get up." 

"No." I yawned. "I'm comfy." 

He smiled and kissed my forehead. I heard him walk away. I opened my eyes to see Jackson standing next to me. 

"Sorry, Mark told me to do this" I squealed as he picked me up bridal style. 

"Be careful with her." Mark shouted. 

He walked into our room and set me down on the bed. I gave him a dirty look before he left. He smiled and waved bye. Mark walked into the room drying his hair. 

"I was comfortable." I pouted. 

He smiled making his over to me. He pecked me on the lips and my frown turned into a smile. 

"Did you miss me?" He mumbled. 

Did I ever. 


Next chapter will be a time lapse

Quote: Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.  

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