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"Please, forgive him." Mark sighed. "He's just scared." 

"And I'm not." I turned to him. 

"His life isn't going to change. Yours won't either." I wiped my tears. "Please forget me." 

I pulled my hand from his grip and walked away. I walked all the way home. My feet were killing me by the time I got home. This time I locked the door. I took off my shoes and got comfortable on the couch. I turned on the tv to finish my show when someone rang my door bell. I tired my bed to ignore it but they wouldn't go away. 

I grunted and got up I opened the door only to see Mayla standing with the GOT7. I went to close the door but Mark stopped me. He looked pissed. I sighed and moved aside. They all walked in. 

"I'm sorry." Jinyoung looked at me. 

"It's whatever. It doesn't change my mind." I looked at them. "Why did you bring them here." 

"Mark asked." Mayla gave me small innocent smile. 

I looked at Mark. I didn't care if he was pissed. I'm more hurt than him. 

"What do you guys what?" I asked them, closing the door. 

"Don't push Mark out of the babies life ... that's if you are pregnant." One spoke up. 

I rolled my eyes and walked to the couch. I said down getting comfortable. I played my show, ignoring them. 

"Ahh, BamBam, Yugyeom and I will be back." Mayla skipped out the door with the boys. 

Mayla just turned twenty. She's been my friend since she moved in two doors down. Mark sat down next to me. 

"I never got your name." He said. 

"It's Jayda, Jayda Walker." I answered him. 

"Jayda." He smiled. 

My melted at the way he said my name. 

"Please don't push me away." He grabbed my hand. 

Mayla came rushing in with BamBam and Yugyeom. She stood in front of of me holding two pregnancy tests. I looked at her and laughed. 

"That's what you ran off for?" I shook my head. 

"Let's find out, and get this over with." Mayla rolled her eyes. 

I nodded and stood. I took the tests from her hands and went to my bathroom. It took me while since I didn't have to pee. I walked out the bathroom to Mayla standing right there. 

"So how long do we have to wait?" She asked. 

"Don't know. Don't care." I walked to my kitchen and got something to drink. 

I sat back in seat. I looked at everyone standing and it was beginning to annoy me. 

"Please, everyone take a seat." I motioned for them to sit. 

They all nodded and sat down. I moved over a bit so that there would room. We all watched tv in silent that was until Mayla got up. 

"Jayda!" She shouted from the bathroom. 

I was phrase by her high pitch scream but the boys were. She came rushing out. 

"What does two line means?" She asked calmly. 

"I don't know, read the box." I rolled my eyes. 

She disappeared then came back with her mouth wide open. She didn't even blink. I got up and took the box from her. I read the box. Once the realization hit me the box fell from hands. I went down on my knees. Tears running down my face. 

"I'm only twenty-two." I sniffed. "This is too early for this." 

Mark rushed to my side. His eyes searching mine. 

"We'll get through this together. I promise." He cupped my cheek. 

I looked up at him. Promise? I pushed him away from me. I stood and walked back to the couch. Promise?  

"Damn it Jayda." I heard the anger in his voice. "Stop fucking pushing me away." 

I turned and looked at him. 

"I wanna blame you, but I can't." I laughed. "I wanna blame myself but I can't. I wanna crawl under a rock and die because I know you can't stay." 

I stood. 

"I can't take this." I walked into my room. 

"Jayda..." Mayla reached for me but I pushed her off. 


Quote: Just because your path is different doesn't mean you're lost. 

Pregnant by Mark Tuan | Mark Tuan GOT7 Fanfic |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora