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I sat on the bed as they cooked food down stairs. I was staying Mark's room. His room is pretty normal. I supposed they straightened it up for me. Mayla was in the spare bedroom that they have. I pulled out my phone. I was expecting for him to text me but I guess not. He's probably busy anyways. I went to put my phone my down but it started ringing. Mark was facetiming me. I answered it nervously. 

"Hi." He appeared shirtless. 

"Hi." I mumbled, I couldn't focus right. 

"My dad told me you and Mayla made it safely there." He smiled. 

I nodded my head. 

"That's good." His smile faded. "What's wrong." 

He sat up and I saw more of his chest. I cleared my throat. 

"Nothing." I sighed. 

He laughed giving me a smile. 

"I...Why did you tell me?" I asked him. 

"Tell you what?" He seemed confused. 

"That you like me." My voice came out light. 

"Ah, yeah." He nodded his head. "I do like you." 

My eyes widen. 

"Do you...Do you like me?" He asked, not sure if wants to hear the answer or not. 

"Yeah, a lot." I nodded with a sigh. 

He smiled. "Go eat and get good rest. I'm sorry I can't be there to cuddle you." 

I smiled. "Bye Mark." 

I hung up first tossing my phone onto the bed. I flopped back covering my face. What just happened? I questioned myself. There was a knock at the door as someone walked in. 

"Dinner is done." Mark's mom smiled. 

"Ah, thanks." I stood up walking out with her. 

She stopped me in the hall way. 

"You're not some girl looking for my sons money, are you?" She questioned me. 

"No, why would I?" I looked at her. "Yknow, I lost a appetite." 

I turned and walked back Mark's room. I can't believe she would think something like that. Is that what people will think? I walked over to bed and laid down. I got a text from Mark telling me to go eat. I sat up and looked around the room. Does he have hidden camera's in here? I got another text from me. 

Mark: Please, Jayda go eat. 

I looked at his text. I didn't answer back. I didn't want to sit at the table with someone who thinks I'm after his money. With someone who doesn't even know me. 

I thought that I would get another text but this time it was a facetime. I rejected it so fast and he called back again. I went to reject it but instead I answered it. On the other  side of the screen was an anger Mark. I smiled at him. 

"Go eat. Now." He gritted. 

"I'm not hungry." I shook my head. "Not anymore." 

"Why? What happened?" He asked, I could tell he was upset. 

"Your mom...As we walking to the dining room she stopped and said I quote You're not some girl looking for my sons money, are you?  That hurt, that she would think that." I sighed. "I lost my appetite after that." 

"Jayda." He mumbled. 

My heart dropped at the way he said my name. 

"Please, go eat something." He sighed. 

I heard a knock on the door and it opened. His dad stood with a plate of food and Mayla was holding a drink. They both gave me a sad look. 

"I'll text you before I go to sleep." I hung up on Mark. 

"I don't think it was a wise idea to hang up on him like that." His father said. 

I looked down at my phone to see Mark calling me back. I answered it. 

"Don't ever hang up on me like that." He said, I sense the anger in his voice. 

"Okay, bye." I hung up again tossing my phone on the bed. 

"Mark seemed upset that you weren't eating so we thought..." Mayla looked down, not finishing her sentence. 

"Thanks." I stood, taking the plate and drink. 

"Call him back, he's gonna go crazy if you don't." Mr. Tuan laughed as they left the room. 

I sat down, turning on the tv. I'll call him back tomorrow. So I thought. 


Quote: Love has two different faces of sadness and happiness. 

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