Slowly, I returned my eyes to the front of the room. Surely this was a dream, this was too far-fetched to be reality. My nightmare from before seemed more real than this could ever be. I took a shaky breath and continued to listen to the bastard speak. "Ever since then, he used me for his pleasure. I hated every moment of it, but I did what I had to survive."

This couldn't be happening, I wasn't the one at fault here. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my racing heart. I tuned out everyone else and focused on my breathing, which was wavering on the point of hyperventilation.

This is what happens when you tell.

Bad things happen to boys who tattle.

The son of Satan, you will never be considered human. If you go to prison, no one would care if you were treated horribly. You're a creature who sabotaged the life of a good priest. Everyone wants you dead, even you want you dead.

I imagined what my life would've been like if I'd kept this all a secret. I'd be at school at the moment, probably smiling and laughing with my peers as if nothing had happened two weeks ago. I'd fall asleep in cram school, and have Yukio lecture me when he got home. At least he wouldn't have the burden of the truth weighing him down. He's missed two days of school in a row now, all because of me. What if he suffers because of that? How could I ever live with myself if Yukio lost the clean record he'd worked for?

The chair moved next to me and I snapped out of my daydream, my breathing still ragged. Masuda stood up and walked over to where the jury was seated. I glanced around and noticed that Naito was seated back in his chair, as well as his attorney. "People of the jury, we mustn't forget the evidence that was presented before us. The injuries inflicted on my client are too severe to be created by himself. The DNA that shows that Naito Ryo has had sexual contact with a minor, along with the signs of a struggle on the child's part."

Masuda nodded to the judge, "no further comments, Your Honor." He walked back to his seat and closed his file, setting a thinner manilla folder on top.

"Defense; what is your closing argument?" Closing argument? My eyes darted around, looking for a clock, but there was none. How much did I miss while I was spaced out? Blinking rapidly, I shifted my gaze to Naito's lawyer, who copied Masuda and walked over to the jury.

"Naito Ryo is an innocent man, manipulated by the son of Satan. While not entirely innocent, my client has not forced his hand onto a minor. Survival is our most basic instinct, and the fear for those more powerful than us can make a man commit heinous crimes. Do not buy into that child's lies," he shoved his finger in my direction.


"Sustained." The judge scolded the attorney and threatened to sanction him if he went out of line once more. My eyes widened, even I knew that was a bad thing, especially since his job was on the line.

Naito's lawyer seemed irked, "Naito Ryo is an innocent man, who has been wrongfully accused of child sex abuse." He turned away, "no further comment."

"The jury will now go into deliberation, court is at recess until three in the afternoon today. All parties involved in the case are required to stay in the building until the verdict is passed." The judge slammed her gavel down and people immediately starting moving from their seats. Masuda rose as well and walked to the bailiff, handing him the manilla folder I'd seen a few moments earlier.

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