Faux Smiles

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When I woke up, Yukio wasn't anywhere to be found, and I quick glance at the alarm clock told me why. He'd be home for lunch in an hour, so that was something at least. I noticed a small note on the counter when I went to the kitchen.

     I couldn't bring myself to wake you up this morning, you seemed extremely exhausted. So, I wasn't able to give you your pain med, I left it here for you to take on your own. I'm trusting you, so don't be pulling anything...
     I'll be home around lunch, as always, I'll see you then.


I felt a small smile cross my lips, why did I ever stop calling him that? Immediately, my smile fell, that's right. I shook my head and glanced down at the small tablet laying on the counter. I popped it into my mouth and swallowed it dry, not really caring about the bitter taste at the moment.

About half an hour later, Kuro came padding into the kitchen. He yawned and rubbed a paw to his eyes, "G'morn'n," I chuckled at his lazy greeting and replied with my own. "How long was I asleep, what time is it?"

"Ten past eleven, Yukio will be home in a few for lunch." He seemed surprised, "yeah, you slept a lot, sleepyhead."

He stuck his tongue out at me.


"I'm home!" Yukio called as he entered the kitchen.

I scoffed, "if you expect me to kiss you on the cheek like a fifties housewife, I'll personally kick you in the balls."

He laughed, "oh come on, you're short and frail, just like a cute girl. Plus, you cook and do the house chores, how could I not consider you my wife?" I swallowed hard at his comment, short and frail, Father Naito liked that about me, too.

I hide my discomfort with a smile, "fine, whatever, but keep your tie on, this isn't an old sit-com." He waved his hands, laughter echoing off the kitchen walls.

"What's on the menu?"

"Regular old bento boxes."

He chuckled, "you know, no ones going to be seeing these, you don't have to make them look cute." I shrugged, placing a rice panda on a plate.

"It's a distraction from the boredom around me."

He was silent as I brought the food to the table, "are you really that miserable here?"

I shrugged, "I wouldn't say I'm miserable, but there's definitely not much to keep me from going insane."

He hummed and chewed on his food, pondering. "When do you plan on going back to school?"

"I would've gone today if I could."

"Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, tell me, could you have handled going to school today?" I was about to answer immediately, but he gave me a look.

I huffed and shoved rice into my mouth. I dearly needed to get out of this dorm, but honestly, I wouldn't have made it through the day. Even with pain killers, heaving myself up from a sitting position still caused me to go breathless. "Okay, maybe not today."

He chuckled, "well, how much longer do you think you need?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, but I don't think I'll make it to the end of the week cooped up here."

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