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Hands on my thighs, crawling upward and pulling down my clothes. A filthy mouth on my neck, then my shoulders, leaving disgusting slobber marks down my back. The feeling of being violated, the pain that followed with each thrust. The shame when it was all over...

"Rin! Hey! Wake up!" I opened my eyes slowly, my entire body was shaking violently and my breathing was hitched. "Rin?" I turned my head and I barely saw Yukio in the dimly lit room, what time was it? "You had a nightmare, are you coherent?" I blinked a few times, trying to rid myself of the lingering phantom sensations. "Rin?" He was really worried, he didn't have his glasses on and he was squinting slightly, no doubt woken by me. I tried to speak but nothing came forth, yet I continued to shake and whimper.

He put an arm under my shoulders and helped me sit up, I did my best, but I just ended up turning my body so I could lean against the wall. The pressure of his body against mine. His disgusting, clammy skin and sweat clinging to me. I let out a long whimper, closing my eyes tightly. "Nii-san... you're okay, look around you, you aren't where you think you are." I blinked, I knew I wasn't with him, but the memories were haunting me. I grunted, trying to suppress everything, I felt Yukio rub my shoulders and I focused on the feeling.

I pulled the covers off of my body and pushed myself off the bed, ignoring the stinging pain in my abdomen and back. Yukio stood up and I leaned against him, holding my stomach. "Rin?!" I shook my head, swallowing hard.

"I think I need some air, I'm gonna take a walk outside." I turned to him, trying to calm his worried expression. "You should sleep, we've got another big day tomorrow, the last thing anyone needs is our teacher dead on his feet." He slowly nodded, but I could sense his hesitation. I gave a small smile and treaded out of the bedroom, holding my breath. I shut the door behind me and exhaled heavily, grasping my hips and bending inward on myself.

It was like someone had turned a blender on inside of me. It was a pain that was embedded deep inside, and it was unable to be helped by an type of pressure or rubbing. I wondered sourly if this was what girls went through on their periods. Ha! I did bleed, too, this whole thing was one fucked up mess. The pain dulled to a throb after a few moments and I sighed in relief. How was I going to survive the mission tomorrow?

I stood straight and tiptoed my way through the hallways to the bathroom. The click of the door closing behind me echoed in the small space, and I sighed. I raided the medicine cabinet and grabbed the Tylenol bottle. I popped a few pills into my hand and turned on the faucet, realizing I didn't have a cup to drink from. I sighed again and tossed the pills into my mouth, swallowing them dry. The bitter taste was disgusting, but I've experienced worse, I shuddered at the thought. The faucet was still on, so I cupped my hands underneath and brought the cold water to my face. Thankfully, it helped clear my mind and I sighed in relief.

I turned off the water and dried my face, deciding that wandering out in the cold would get me nowhere. I treaded back to my room as quick as I could without causing myself too much pain. The light from the hallway basked the room as I opened the door, Yukio's sleeping form shifting under the covers. I closed the door softly and stepped over to his bed, smiling at his peaceful expression.

I heard a small yawn and looked over at Kuro, "ugh... Rin? What are you doing up?" I shrugged, flipping some switch in my head and outwardly thinking.

"I couldn't sleep well, I'm okay now, go back to bed."

He stared at me and ignored my suggestion, standing up and padding over to me. He sat down next to my feet, staring at me with a pointed look. "Are you going to tell me what happened earlier?" I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck and glancing around the room. My eyes fell on a picture, the same one I had in my old room. I walked over and picked it up, sadness washing over me. Dad always took us the the circus when he came back from his meetings, and I couldn't decide if the memories were good or bad.

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