Promise Me (Yukio)

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You guys honestly believed I would end HA there?! Fooled ya, bitches! *hides behind a table* please don't throw anything at me... some of you actually loved it when Rin died. My morbid followers, I love you all!

The EMT's pushed me out of the way, everything becoming a blur after that moment. As soon as I was unable to touch him, I felt myself slipping. He was dying, oh my god, he was dying. I was pushed out of the room and I took a few steps away from the door, there were scratch marks all over the wood. Blood tainted the grain and my eyes flickered down to my brother's familiar. He'd fainted, his paws a crimson mess, but I knew that if I left him, he'd heal quickly.

That didn't stop me from taking my jacket off and covering his small frame, however. The feline had done everything to get past the door, Christ, he was close to clawing his way through.

The EMT's rushed out of the room, carrying my brother on a stretcher. I knew they'd administered Naloxone, and the drug would soon counteract the effects of an opioid overdose, but the question remains, however; was it given too late?

The EMT's allowed me into the ambulance and I stayed plenty out of their way, knowing exactly what they were doing. CPR was needed to keep the heart going; an overdose like this makes the body forget how to breath, so assistance is required. I kept my breathing calm as we drove the short drive to the hospital, but under the surface, I was breaking.

As soon as the vehicle was stopped, the team pulled my brother from the ambulance, quickly disappearing into the hospital before I could even touch the pavement. I swallowed hard and entered the building, walking up to the clerk.

She looked up and I recognized her from before, "my brother's just been rushed in..."

"Alright, dear, what's his name?" I rambled off the necessary information, and when I finally stopped, she typed away, a scowl on her face. "Okumura.... you were just in here last week, right?" I nodded, "he was that sexual assault case..." her eyes grew grim, "I heard about that on the news today."

I huffed, "I think he did, too, that's why he's here..."

"Oh, sweetheart, the good thing is that he's here, now." I only nodded, my thoughts racing.

"W-what's going to happen?" I knew exactly what was going to happen, but I needed to hear it from another persons lips.

"What's he in here for, sweetie?"

"Percocet overdose."

"Ahh, depending on the amount he's swallowed, they may pump his stomach. He'll be put on a ventilator and a drug will be administered to keep his liver safe. Percocet contains acetaminophen, which can cause liver failure with a high enough dosage. Once things are settled, it's simply a waiting game until the opioid starts to leave his system." Yeah, I knew as much would happen, I nodded and thanked her. "Hun, you can stay in the waiting room, or if you'd like, leave your phone number and go home, we will call you if his status changes."

I shook my head, "I'll just stay here," she understood and I walked away. I entered the room I'd once been in less than a week ago. I sat down and slammed my head against the wall, causing a few others to glance at me with concern. "Unbelievable," I whispered to myself, feeling another part of my composed exterior start to crack. I swallowed hard, was this really happening? This was all just a dream, right? A really fucked up nightmare? I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night, and Rin will be there to comfort me. (Mistakes reference)

This was no nightmare, however, this was definitely reality. I closed my eyes, my chest constricting against my battered heart. My poor brother... I need to hug him and tell him how much I love him. I need to see his smile and know that everything is alright... I sighed.

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