Chapter Sixteen - New Years

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A/N: Smile, let go of all your troubles for a while, and read this chapter with a fresh, clear heart and head, because everything will be alright.

And just like that, it was first of January, year nineteen ninety-eight.

The previous night had been a grand celebration, with various people flitting in and out of the Burrow that it never felt like the house belonged to only the Weasleys. First to visit the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione was the very large Hagrid. He broke into a wide smile and crushed them to bits by hugging each and every one of them. He helped Molly Weasley to put decorations in the backyard for the grand dinner that they were hosting. Some of the visitors were Fleur and Bill, the Lovegoods, Neville and his grandmother and Horace Slughorn, their ex-Potions master. The end of the party resulted in Fleur getting drunk and uttering slurs in French, Ron smashing a gravy boat on George's head, and Ginny getting her head almost singed by sleeping right inside the fireplace.

After this wild night, everyone was apparently asleep at six in the morning, when Fred and George were the only ones awake.

"Come on, you lazy butts," Fred said, as he and George banged on Harry's and Ron's door.

"If you break the door to my new room, I'll break you," Harry said from behind Fred, and Fred jumped back.

"Good morning, lovely balls of sunshine. You're up this early?" George asked from the upper landing.

"Yes, we had some work to do," Ron said significantly, and went into his room. Harry followed him.

George shrugged nonchalantly and went down the stairs, but Fred followed Harry into the room. He saw that Ginny and Hermione were already in there.

Just as the door closed, Fred asked, "Mind if I join you?"

Harry looked at him questioningly.

"Hermione told me, and I want in. George doesn't, I asked him. Not because he doesn't like you. He just had to meet Angelina today."

"Fred - " Ginny started, only to be cut off by him.

"Come on, Ginny, you told me about that as well, not just Hermione."

Harry looked at Ginny and Hermione seated on his former camp bed. The girls looked at each other and smiled.

"Sorry, Harry, we tell him everything," they said simultaneously.

"Him and George," Ginny added.

"Alright," Harry said looking at Fred, and smiled. "Not a problem, mate, you're always welcome."

They were all going to see Harry's parents' graves in Godric's Hollow to pay their respects.

"It's - bloody - cold!" Fred said, as he shivered outside the Burrow in Ottery St. Catchpole.

"It's 1st of January, and you expect a tropical sauna? Grow up, little Fred." Ginny Weasley walked past him to stand next to Harry. She looked at Fred and winked.

"Guess who's actually little?" Fred said, rolling his eyes.

The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione were standing in a straight line, ready to Apparate to Godric's Hollow. Molly Weasley was fussing all over them, this being their first time without any Ministry protection.

"We will be fine!" Ron said, as he edged away from his mother.

"The Ministry officials agreed to come," said Mrs. Weasley pleadingly. "I don't want you to go alone, I'll be scared."

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