Chapter 22: His View

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Marco's POV

"What?! You literally took her on a unicorn-themed carousel ride?!" Yusi screams on the top of her lungs in shock. "Oh my god, Marco. Are you stupid or something?"

Weekdays invaded the calendar. It's a Monday. I decided to go to school early with Star. I didn't take the school bus but instead, I took my bike and ride it all the way to school while Star sets foot on the back wheel.

We got into school in no time. It was a 6:58 am when I got in. No one was in school yet. Not in this rate. You know how lazy students are on Mondays. The only thing that was present was the silence. Although, Star ended that silence and asked me about what happened during our 'date'. Was it a date, though?

Anyways, I was about to begin to tell her all about what happened but then Yusi barges in with a slam. She blabbered on about spilling the beans of what happened during our get together. She gossiped like there's no tomorrow. I told her to calm the hell down because her screaming is annoying.

Then, I told them both of what happened. I wasn't even done half-way through the story and Yusi directly complained about me being such an idiot. Thus, here we are at the present time.

"It's not my fault!" I shout in reply, glaring at Star. "Opppss! Sorry Marco!" Star apologizes in a sing-song tone. Yusi face-palms and growls as she sighs, "And you think that's a good idea?!"

I roll my eyes. "I don't care what you think Yusi! Let me just continue, we'll get to the good part." I say as I recall the best moment during our hang. "Fine." Yusi says in defeat, her hands rolling up to her cheeks.

But before I can say anything else, I was again interrupted by a knock on the door. "Wassup, you fools! Yow Diaz! How'd everything turn out?" Janna interjects as she goes to her seat.

"I swear if someone else interrupts, I am going to lose it!" I yell, annoyed by the interceding. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Continue!" Star says.

I haven't really told Star about the whole happening yet since the time I got home. I didn't bother to approach anyone else. I simply just pass through everything, playing Y/N's sweetest answer I can ever get.

I continue to tell them. We were already at the bumper car part. But then, I remember Y/N's beautiful face as I did. I blush, feeling all sorts of goose bumps across my body. My stomach suddenly became a bit tight. I space out for a second.

"Earth to Marco?" Janna snaps her fingers in front of my face. "Huh?!" I go back to reality. I shake my head, the thoughts fading away. I forgot which part I was on. "Sorry, where was I?" I ask.

"Swing to death?" Yusi reminds my term of the ride. "Right. The Vikings," I recall, nodding my head in approval. "So, as we step inside. I thought it was an ordinary ride since it only swifts back and forth. I said that it wasn't so bad after all and was about to confirm that Y/N has also a safe side," I stop talking and rub my neck.

"However, I was wrong and it launched in a large amount of distance every second it swings. It was a swing to death but, Y/N's right. It is fun." I shrug at the end.

"Wow, Y/N's got some deadly taste," Janna grins, probably thinking of an illegal idea.

"Pffftt-! Y/N is something." Yusi nods.

"Oooohhh! Yeah, we also have something like that in Mewni. I've tried it before," Star states, remembering the resemblance in Mewni. She shakes her head and jazzes her hands, "But I want to try it Earth styleee!"

I do a thumbs up to her. I check the time. It's 7:24. Time flies so fast. Students begin to come inside the school and into our classroom, settling their things for the first period. But I've already done the things they're doing right now. I wonder if Y/N's already here. I'm excited than usual to see her today.

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