Chapter 16: Haunted Piece

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It's a school day. That's what I realize when I first wake up due to the sunlight that hit my eye. "I'm late." I mutter to myself, mindlessly staring the ceiling. It takes several seconds to process what I said because waking up from a comfortable bed and deep slumber is not my hobby.

"Oh god, I'm late!" I kick my blanket and go out of bed, slipping into my flip-flops while I desperately run towards the door. I ace towards the bathroom and take a bath. My senses are going fast from touch to sight. I grab this and that, put that on this and so on.

Once I finished, I wear my new plain black t-shirt paired with jumpsuit shorts. I remember the time when I bought this, it felt like it was just yesterday--which it was. It was pretty funny since I'm not the one who bought it and I saw everything that happened to him. My milk tea almost vomited out of my nose from laughing, I was dying when I saw him.

Yes, him. He's the one who bought it.

Oh right, I haven't told you the whole story of what happened. Let's just start where I left off.

By the time Marco and I left the garden because I suggested to. I didn't look at him and went straight ahead out of the place. I knew he was confused why I left so sudden so I told him that I'd tell him later. I hurriedly went once again to my check-up place--by that I meant the CR. You all remember what happened to my eye that last time. Since, it was feeling all lovey dovey and I was feeling butterflies in my stomach. My instincts were right, it was colored neon pink. I sighed at the sight of it and did my breathing.

After a few more breaths, it was back to normal in no time. I decided that it was best if I went back to our table even though my all-so-called 'childhood friend' was there. Well, you know what I think?

Screw Lucas and his little pest called mind! Ugh, I can't even with him right now.

Anyways, before I even got back to the spot, Marco caught up with me and went back together. When we first stepped in, everyone was staring at us. I looked at Lucas with a blank face but he looked away instantly.

'Hmp, guilty.' I told myself.

Let's fast forward a little bit. After the occasion, everyone thanked us for inviting them. The Silverwood blew their kisses to my family. While on the other hand, Lucas seems forced to thank me since he got hit by a truck of guilt. And since, everyone is watching, I put my nose up in the air and said you're welcome bluntly. Then, they left.

I really enjoy watching the Diaz family getting along with ours. It's just this connection and spark that's been showing between our fam. Marco approached me flushed and thanked me for the night. He told me it was one of his majestic nights especially that I was here with him. I blushed like crazy that time. The butterflies weren't just flapping their wings inside my stomach, they were eating it already. He's just too cute and sweet.

He leaned closer to me. I stood still. I can't move, it was like I was frozen in the situation. What's happening?

Is he trying to. . . ?

But before I could even conclude, my brother walked in and planted his arm across on Marco's shoulder. He told Marco that he was a cool dude and was the perfect friend for me. I face-palmed internally at that moment while Marco was thanking Dylan.

To be honest, Dylan is such a jerk. But, there's also a side of him where he's all nice and shit. He used to be such a good and caring guy until something happened to him. Like, seriously what happened? Well, he told no one about it. It's one of my mysteries to discover at the right time.

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