Chapter 3: All So Suddenly

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{ e d i t e d }

Marco's POV

Deep breaths, Marco. Deep breaths. As what you've heard they're just childhood friends who hasn't seen each other for a very long time and is eager to spend a little time together.

I watch them both talking at the other table. Lucas whispers something to Y/N that made her punch him playfully in the arm and laugh. He's popular yet, humble. In other words, he's a nice guy. But I'm getting the feeling that I'm not liking him.

"Marco, stop staring at them. It's creepy even for me." Star says, plainly. "I'm not staring. Just observing." I say.

Yeah, I'm just observing how they're working it.

"Marco, you're jealous." Star rolls her eyes, sighing. I spat her a glare, "Not jealous. I'm not interested in Y/N... also did you know she's allergic to dust?" I accidentally give out random information.

Star raises a brow and eyes me, "Can you stop denying it? I know you like her. You never lend too much contribution to a person."

I open my mouth to speak. But, apparently she was somehow right? I don't really know. There's no denying that I'm slowly starting to like her. "Fine, let's just say you're right. Then, what?" I hesitantly admit.

A smile forms across her lips. "Well then," She flips a lock of hair to her back and leans closer, "Simply tell her how you feel."


"That's crazy talk! It's only been two days since I've met her! I don't her to get uncomfortable around me. It takes time." I sigh, resting my cheek at the palm of my hand. "Okay, okay, don't need to get all defensive. Sheeesh!"

I roll my eyes, ignoring her statement. I, once again, swift my attention towards Y/N. I gaze upon her smile. She laughs the moment after that. She's just... amazing, beautiful and indescribable. Her eyes screams the definition of pure innocence. It's making me want to protect her. Every single bit of her is just... wondrous. I suddenly feel a strong feeling towards her already. It's peculiar but,

I think I love her.

The bell rings loudly from its source, signaling the students that it's almost time. Everybody stands up from their seat and walks out of the canteen. We have to get to our classes in exactly 10 minutes.

The next class is about to start. I don't need my schedule since I've got my it in my brain. Yes, that's right. It's called memorization. This is going to be the next class I get to see Y/N again.

Okay, I shouldn't try to make a fool out of myself again just like last year. I'm 15 now, it's time to grow up and learn from my past mistakes.

My locker creakily opens as I grab my books for the next class. I spot Y/N getting her own books alone. We're gonna be in the same class,


Star wasn't on the Biology class list for this afternoon so she won't be there. That's great news since what she did to my previous crush was humiliating. It was embarrassing and no, I'm not making any flashbacks since it was horrible.

"I'll get going now." I inform Star. "Bye Marco, see you later! Goodluck." She winks. I know exactly what she meant about that wink. I roll my eyes at her, "Whatever."

I directly walk to class and take a seat at the back. I notice that Y/N's table is filled with students. Yep, she's THAT popular already. Too popular for me to not have a chance and even sit beside her.

"Hey Marco!" She waves at me. I startle on what to do. I need to keep it cool and not embarrass myself. I clear my throat and smile, "Hey Y/N..."

She raises her brow, "Why are you sitting back there? Sit here." She offers.

Perfect Imperfections | Marco Diaz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now