Chapter 5: Declinations

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{ e d i t e d }

Yusi's POV

I tightly grip on the copy of Marco's schedule. His last class with Y/N for the day. Not to mention that I'm also present here. Then, school's over.

"Right. Let's go." Speak of the devil, he just arrived. As suspected, he's with Y/N. I presume he did what I told him to. Well, then, the deal is sealed.

Marco looks at me in horror as I smirk. He obviously avoids contact with me and sticks with Y/N. Y/N sits beside me, "Hey, Yusi." She waves. I wave back, "Hi, Y/N! How was your day?" I ask her cheerfully while evilly staring at Marco.

He avoids me as Y/N sighs, "I thought school was already over but then, I realized that every Wednesdays the time's extended by one more class."

"Oh, yeah. I assume they did that on purpose since Wednesday is at the middle of the week." I tell her my opinion. She simply did a nod.

Marco keeps his silence on going but that's until Y/N got him into the conversation. "So, you dared Marco to hug me. I see you've met already?"

This is where it starts to get better. I internally crack my knuckles and reply, "Yepp! We're even friends now. Marco, hugging you was the seal of our friendship since you're the reason why we got to know each other." I lie. It wasn't the friendship that was sealed.

I can sense that Y/N may possibly like Marco too. The thing that was sealed was my help. I'm going to help him with Y/N-and at the same time humiliate him. Believe me, humiliation is sometimes the key. I've watched several drama and romance genre movies. I had my research.

I want what's best for Y/N. She's a wonderful person. However, I'm getting something unusual from her. And it's about her past.

"That's great! You know what? You too should sit beside each other. You know to get know yourselves even more." Y/N stands up and exchanges seats with Marco. Marco cannot say no to Y/N of course. When they did, he still acts like I don't even exist.

If he was going to be like that the whole day then,

"Hey Y/N, did you know Marco actually likes someone and is in this classroom?"

What I said, triggered him. "Yusi! I'm not sure... if that's appropriate. Besides, I don't like anyone."

"Look who finally spoke!" I cross my arms, teasing him.

"Oh?" Y/N's attention was caught. "Please do tell."

Just what I was expecting.

"Of course! She has H/C-"

However, our teacher arrives right when the juicy part comes out.

I'll get back to it later.


Marco actually likes someone? How come he never told me about it? Yusi mentioned that she's here in class. So, who could it be? Hmm, I should focus in class. It's better when he tells me himself. I don't want to look like some gossiper.

During class, Yusi and Marco cannot stop talking! They've been moving their mouths non-stop! It's good to see they're becoming friends. But, when they were talking it didn't sound like a conversation. More of like, a debate?

I didn't hear what they were talking about but I did hear my name.

"Hiiii Y/N! It's sooo nice to see you today!" Star greets.

It was dismissal time. That means we get to go home. For real this time. We were at the front yard of the school. "Nice to see you too, Star." I say as we hug.

Perfect Imperfections | Marco Diaz X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang