11) He's jealous

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So let's say a certain was hitting on you, or giving you "the look". How would your man respond?

The wild child will come up and drap his arm over you, asking the man who was hitting on you, "What's your fucking problem?" He'll spew all kinds of insults like he does in his battles and chase the man off angrily, but he'll also be super proud that he's a super popular girl's boyfriend!

This sweet guy has no idea what's going on, and why someone is talking to you, but that's okay! He likes meeting new people too!

He goes right up and tries to befriend the guy; with handshakes and all kinds of ice breakers, but they always run away screaming when he gives them some of his own sparkly rainbows! How rude is that??

Pyro will be upset that his new would-be friend is gone, but you're always there to cheer him up!

"That chick's got a nice ass"

"Hehe, ain't that right sonny?"

"Yeah, and check out those legs.. She's freaking hot. Maybe I should ask for her number"

"I already got it"

"Seriously?! Sweet!! Be a bro and give it to me if you guys don't work out and shit"

"Oh we're doing fine"



Demoman angrily glares at the man at the other side of the bar, and you see how upset your man is.

"Tavish? What's wrong?"

"I don' like tha way that bloody asswipe is lookin' at yeh"

You both stare at the man, who is sending you sleazy glances and making kissy faces.

"Why don't you do the same?"

"To you?"

"No, to him"

You and Tavish gaze lovingly back at the man, cupping your faces in your hands as the man slowly grows uncomfortable and leaves.

Since then, it's become a regular game that you two play together, and you're both running out of people who try to hit on you.

There is no way Heavy is going to let a man hit on you, especially not in such a disgraceful manner; he's angry that the man is drooling over you and how his eyes are just dying to tell you he wants you in bed.

You're so much more than a one night stand, and Heavy is enraged that this man has failed to see that. With a small tap on the arm, the man will turn around to see what a Russian fist looks like up close.

Dell saw how uncomfortable you got, and looking up, he sees just why.

He promptly leaves his seat and walks up to the man, exhanging pleasantries and even a laugh, and just when the man thinks he's befriended the Texan, Dell will whisper something in his ear, and the man will come towards you and apologize for his "rambunctious behavior" and will proceed to move on and start a new life in China.

Sniper's a pretty civil guy, he'll start with a warning scowl. But if the man doesn't take a hint, Sniper will give another warning, growling that you're his girl, and that the man should "piss off" and mind his own business.

And if that fails, Sniper will pack a punch and will beat the man down. You'll have to pry him off the stranger before he does anything worse.

Like Pyro, he's a little clueless, at first sight he'll think that you're friends with the man, but when he sees the stranger advancing, that's when the German starts getting aggressive.

In his anger he'll spout out some threats but ends it ends up getting mixed with German. You get caught up in the argument in a daze; his German growl so sexy, but you snap out of it to make sure nothing bad happens.

The French are masters of the arts, dances, and most of all, language. Spy doesn't need to snarl or curl his lips in a sneer to make your predator stand down. A few well said words will be enough to make the man cower in shame, as Spy points out a few (but painful) flaws of his enemy.

He'll scoff and act like nothing has happened but deep down inside he's hiding a triumphant grin at the impressed look you give him.

First of all, there is no such thing as a man near you. Second of all, even if there was, he'd already be dead.

Christian will openly show agression to anyone who ever comes near his girl, and he'll bite off anyone to prove it. You're his, and his only, and he'll protect you to the death.

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