2) He asks you out

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So you've managed to capture his heart, lucky you! But how will he ask you out?

"Hey toots, you got some time?"

Scout will waste no time on asking you out. He'll try to act like a bad boy; leaning against a wall winking at you, but on the inside his heart's beating like crazy. What if you say no? What will you say?

He might slip up due to his nervousness, and if he does, he'll have absolutely no idea what to do; but it's rather endearing to see him like a lost puppy. Why not say yes?

"Hudda hud"

What the fuck? You don't know why this man is holding up a bouquet of burning twigs, but should you take it, the man will become extremely bashful and let out a set of giggles. Congradulations! You now have your own Pyro! Try not to break his lil' heart now.


Wait, was he asking for your help or was he asking you out? You'll soon learn that it'a a bit of both. This all American will want to be your uncle Sam, will you be his aunt Samantha?

"Ay lass! Wouldya like to go oout fo' a drink?"

Demoman will be straight forward with you; he wants to get to know you and he's not shy to admit it! He'll throw in some pick up lines, but you can still tell that he's still careful as not to make you uncomfortable.

He'll try to win your affection with wild tales or parlor tricks. And even if you say no, he'll understand and is even willing to stay on good terms even if things don't work out.

"Where is leetle girl from?"

What? Is he trying to find out where you live? Nah, he's just really bad at asking people out in English.

His nostrils are flaring, face brooding and his arms are crossed; but despite his appearance, he'd really want to know you better.

"Hello there, Ah'm Dell Conager. Ah'm sorry but Ah couldn't help but notice what a pretty lil' lady you are.."

His deep voice is dripping with that sweet southren drawl, and his eyes are sparkling towards you!

Dell's never seen anything like you; and he's sure he won't again if he doesn't take this chance.

"Um.. 'Scuse me, Oi was just.. Uh wonderin'.."

The aussie will be a hot stuttering mess. Fidgeting his fingers, he won't be able to look in you in the eye as he tries to find the right words to say.

You'll have to listen carefully because his accent will get thicker, and will finish his sentances with a mutter.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Archimedes here can get quite mischievous!"

Medic will be glancing at you from a distance, not sure whether he should make a move or not. While he's still deep in thought, his doves will get tired of watching and will take matters in their own wings, or.. er, claws...?

"Ah, zhat is an excellent scarf; it suits 'ou well"

Already a master of the game, Spy will start a conversation with you, taking time for you both to get to know each other.

He'll compliment your looks/features/outfit or make a comment about something around you both, such as the weather, streets and other stuff.

He's a great conversationalist, and even the dullest of topics seem to spark up when you talk with him!

"Wot's a pretty lil' sheila like you doin' here eh?"

Cornering you, Christian will lean in towards you, and he's not even going to hide the fact that you turn him on.

Licking his lips and baring a fang, he'll have fun watching you turn red and clamming up.

He'll growl a sweet praise in your ear before he leaves abruptly as he came. He won't lay a finger on you, but he'll want to know how you'll feel under him.

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