| Chapter 9 | Music Band

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> Picture of Estton Luvars <

"Yo! Octave!" A familiar voice shout as I walk down the hallway with Maki and Sung Gun by my sides.

Looking over to the front, I find Estton and Brix waving over to me. A smile appears on my face as I head over there.

But before I leave for sure, I turn back to Maki and Sung Gun, "I'll see you guys back at Chorus Choir?"

"Yup." Maki responds with Sung Gun simply nodding.

With that, I rush over to my recently made friends. They both were staring at my Chorus Choir friends getting me to snap my fingers in front of them.

"Oi. What's wrong?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." They both apoligize in sync creeping me out a bit.

"Okay then. So ready for class?" I chirp as we enter the classroom.

"We should be asking you that, Miss Popular. Causing trouble in your previous block too? You're quite a trouble maker." Estton whistles lowly.

I roll my eyes before playfully punching him, "Shush it. I didn't choose to be popular, okay? And this kind of popular for me, isn't the best one."

"It's amazing how fast gossips go through our school. It's only been a minute since class ended." Brix frowns quite impressed.

"Can we just forget it? I wanna try to not get in trouble again." I plead getting the boys to chuckle.

"Sure thing." Estton replies.

We were inside a large room full of musical instruments everywhere. Chairs were lined properly in rows as they all face to the center point which was the front, a man stands there with pride as he watches the whole class. He has the perfect posture and the whole place organized cleanly.

Just need to hope he's not too strict.

"Welcome to Music Band! It's the best class, so far, in my opinion." Estton states with glee.

"It's taught by Mr Prologue. He's the champion for the World International Violin Championship back 5 years ago. And right after that, he became a teacher here. It's said that he was offered to join other higher-class schools but he declined and joined here. No one knows why." Briz adds.

"Some say it's because his lover is here." Estton wiggles his eyebrows.

"If that is true, it means he's gay cause he has been rejecting all the girls in this school. But last time we did ask and he clearly said he was straight." Briz sighs giving Estton a stern look.

"Doesn't mean he can't turn gay." I snap my fingers in argument.

"I'll have you three know, all those remarks are false." A low voice interrupts getting the three of us to look over to the source of the source.

"Hi, Mr Prologue." Estton smiles awkwardly.

"Hello Mr Luvars, Mr Fenland. I hope you're not feeding our new transfer student lies, especially about me." He muses wanting me to smile widely.

I already like this teacher.

"Of course not, Mr Prologue!" Estton chuckles nervously.

"I see. Then, please take a seat as I talk with Miss Reiner here." Mr Prologue instructs as the boys do what they're told.

Looking up to Mr Prologue he gives a small smile, "Like you heard, I am Mr Prologue. I'll be your Music Band instructor. Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure's mine." I respond nodding my head.

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