| Chapter 20 | Sneezes

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> Picture of Ian Sokolov <

"Why is it so hard to push this stupid dumb ball!" I shout trying to push the white round circle.

Maki sighs beside me, "Idiot. Of course it would, look how big it is!"

Stopping, I take a step back from pushing just to get a view of how big my snowball was.

Winter has been beautiful since the snowflakes fell on that night. Ever since then, the international representatives and I have been practicing our best in the song, and can't wait till we sing it. Even I know for sure that it'll work with all the practice that we had.

Smiling, I gaze up to the white sky above us once again as the snowflakes fall down.

Pouting at Lero, I huff, "It has to be big! I want to make the biggest snowman, of course!"

He chuckles, "With that tiny body of yours?"


That's when his eyes widen as he pales with panic, "Shi - That's not what I mean, Octave. I'm not saying you have a tiny body, I'm saying you have a small body. Wait, no! Uh..."

So, when I had my rampage of being called short that time back at school during the cafeteria with my other group of friends, it was reported through the friend connections. Yuse told Arions since they were both in the same Gym Class and then Arions told the rest of the choir. Just to test it out like an experiment, Shiro called me short which ended up with him not talking to me for 3 whole days.

"Maki." I call getting his attention instantly.

"Yes?" he asks standing up now instead of sitting down on the snow.

My eyes gets uncovers from my hair as I glare at him getting him to flinch, "Die."

That's when I pick up the gigantic snowball I made getting his skin to pale more, if possible. Throwing the snowball on top of him, I hear him scream before it smashes him.

Turning away, I find a familiar looking boy staring at me in disbelief, shock and fear.

Changing my scary presence to my innocent happy one, I smile tilting my head, "Yes? Do you need something?"

"Is he even alive?" the messy brown hair boy with gold eyes hidden behind black rimmed square shaped glasses asks.

"Oh, he'll survive." I shrug innocently before kneeling down and beginning to make another snowball.

He just stays standing at the side in silent as he still fears me.

"Octave!" my friends shout getting me to look at my choir class as they head over and stop beside me.

"Whoa! That's a huge snowball." Arions comments.

"Where's Maki? I thought he was with you?" Shiro asks as my smile widens.

Standing up while carrying the small snowball I have made, I walk over to the big snowball. Looking at them, I point my thumb back at the snowball giving my innocent look.

"He's in here." I smile as their smiles die with their eyes widening.

"Don't joke around Octave, there's no way he can be in there." Uni giggles.

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