| Chapter 16 | Blessings

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> Picture of Arions Langrid <

"Why?!" Kafe whines as he looks at me with sadness.

"Kafe, please let go of me!" I try to pry my childhood friend off me but no luck, "I'm going to be late!"

"I don't care! I'm not letting you go unless I'm there with you!" he continues to whine as he holds tightly to my waist.

Dragging him with me down the hall as he hugs my waist and one of my legs, I pant as I try to walk with his weight. Looks were given to us as we past them. Ever since I talked to him about the international meeting, he's been whining about me not going. And the same goes with my other friends in my other classes. If my other friends did not have classes and had a spare like Kafe, they would definitely try to hold me back like this.

It seems like this meeting will be placed at Taiwan, meaning I have to travel there on a plane. And it also means I have to separate from Kafe who is quite protective of me. Once again, the same goes with the other boys.

It's not like his personality to be protective of me, it's just that my brothers threatened him to take care of me or else something bad will happen. And I have no idea what. 

Ignoring that, I reach the front gate finding the others. They look at me before looking down at Kafe turning their calm expressions into shock.

"Who's that?" Sung Gun asks tilting his head to the side.

"This here," I gesture to my childhood friend,"is my own personal koala named Kafe."

Uni and Violet laugh getting Rika to look out of the bus in curiousity. There, she looks quite irritated before she looks at me with a small nod then down at Kafe. Instantly, her expression changes as she blushes deeply before rushing back to the bus.

Don't tell me...

I smirk evilly.

"Hey Kafe." I look down to him getting him to look up,"I want you to meet someone."

He tilts his head before letting go of me so he can stand up. Now, instead of looking up at me, he looks down as I look up. Grabbing his wrist, I drag him into the bus still containing my smirk. Searching around the high class bus, I find Rika who was trying to hide behind the chair in front of her. 

But anyone will notice her straight brown hair no matter what. Dragging Kafe down the alley, I stop at where Rika is as she's nearly falling off the seat.

"Kafe, meet Rika!" I introduce.

"Oh, we're in the same class for Social AP!" Kafe states, "We also sit beside each other."

"Is that so." I smile like the Cheshire Cat, before an idea pops up, "Hey, Kafe. Since you both know each other, will it be okay if Rika looks over me instead? You're both friends right? Won't you let her look over me please? Since I can't bring you to this trip."

Kafe saddens but gives in to my puppy dog eyes, "Fine. Rika, please look after Octave. I'm counting on you."

"Of...of course!" Rika stutters getting Kafe to smile before leaving.

Glancing to Rika, I see her blushing face still there as she holds her heart.

"So you and Kafe are in the same class!" I state in a singing voice getting her to flinch before looking at me.

"Y - Ya, what's wrong with that? How do you know him?" she asks turning away to hide the vlush .

"We're childhood friends!" I smile before skipping away down the alley to get out of the bus, "Also, good luck!"

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