| Chapter 24 | Phone Call

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> Picture of Lio Hayashi <

It's been an hour since our big event with Sung Gun and I. The others found us soon after, but not with us looking like ourselves, like we weren't crying just a few minutes ago.

He apologized for his behavior and I did the same about getting everyone to worry about us.

Now at the hotel, I lay on the bed trying to get comfort from the soft mattress. But it doesn't work as my whole body is tight as the memories keep appearing. I thought I've forgotten about him and the dark past but it seems like I haven't. The room I'm in has one big queen sized bed and other furniture which I don't pay any attention to. Only I was here in this room by myself as everyone else is partnered with each other.

Turning myself to my side, I close my eyes before sliding my bent legs towards my body. Hugging my knees to my chest as I cry letting the tears touch the blanket, I cry about how my first love.

I always believed when you found the person you love, they love you back not matter what. Conflicts will happen and short break-ups will happen too, but the break-up I had was from me after I found out why he dated me.

Hiccups escape me as I continue to cry silently not wanting others to hear. Opening my eyes, I find my phone across me sitting on the table beside the doorway of the room. Pushing myself off from the bed, I sit up and staring at the technology. Reaching for it, I grab it before dragging myself to the head of the bed.

Moving the pillows to my comfort, I sit there leaning back on the wall. Unlocking my phone, I begin to click the familiar pattern of numbers before placing the phone to my ear and waiting.

"Hello? Octave?" Kafe's voice appears getting my heart to lighten up slightly.

"Kafe?" I reply quietly feeling the strain of my voice. 

"What's wrong, Octave?" He asks in worry before I break down.

Crying and crying making noises only echoing inside my room, I hear Kafe continue to ask in worry.

"I'm thinking about him." I finally answer knowing Kafe will understand.

"Him? I thought you got over him? How did you suddenly think of him?" He asks in both worry and anger.

I don't answer for a few seconds before giving in, "Sung Gun kissed me and then told me he was jealous of my first kiss. And I told him how he shouldn't be since it wasn't a loving kiss."

He stays quiet, speechless.

"I'm adding the others in, you need our comfort." He states in a strong voice I rarely hear.

"Kafe - " I try to protest.

"Octave, we're friends. And friends help each other, right? I'm including them in. Got it?" He ends our argument getting me to stay quiet.

"Okay." I finally agree knowing I won't be able to argue.

Hearing him add more numbers in to our conversation, I hear other familiar voices that makes my heart lift even more.

"Kafe! My baby! I miss you darling!" A voice squeals.

"Shut up, Lio. You're annoying and going to give us all headaches!" Another voice grunts.

"How about both of you be quiet?" A third voice joins.

"Our first time we've ever talked to each other since he left, and this is how we all greet him?" A fourth demanding voice asks.

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