Chapter 20- The End.

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Aphmau's POV

I just walked home. I didn't even care about all the people that were watching what just went down. I just walked away with my head down.

I heard whispers on the walk back. They were saying my name. Yet again I didn't care so I just kept walking.

When I got home, I just walked into my room.

"You care more about her than you do me."

"Right now, yeah!"

I just put my face in a pillow and thought about everything that happened. Not only in the past few hours, but in my life.

Things have been really hectic, but it all started with two people. My dad and Hyria.

I guess I was wrong. I was wrong about what I said to Hyria before I...

Magic really can destroy love. It just did; it took love away from me. It took my love.

"Aphmau we need to talk." Donna said knocking

I didn't respond.

"Aphmau? Are you home yet?" She asked again.

I quickly yet quietly ran to the door and locked it.

"Guess she's not here." Donna said before walking away.

I walked back to my bed and flopped on it. I started crying.

I've never had a heartbreak. Is this what it feels like? Before I lost my memory, we were happy together. We were happily dating. When coming back, I knew something like this could happen. I shouldn't expect Laurence to always wait for me but, he always did and I didn't expect him to cheat.

"Nice job being quiet. Now let me in." Travis said.

I just cried in to my pillow.

"Aphmau, what happened?" Travis asked.

I just cried harder.

"Alright, I'm coming in." He announced as he picked the lock.

I didn't look at him.

"Aphmau." He said sadly.

He closed the door, locked it, and walked over to me.

I told him everything.

"That doesn't sound like you." Travis said in disbelief.

"I wasn't beating her up because Laurence and her were dating. I was beating her up because I had so much rage inside of me." I explained. "I owe her an apology."

"I can tell you feel guilty." Travis commented.

"I also feel heartbroken and angry." I replied.

"I know." Travis said rubbing my back.

"Hey Travis?" I questioned.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Are you and Katelyn together? Like dating?" I asked randomly.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeell~" Travis started. "We've got a date."

"Great." I said feeling a bit better.

Glad he's happy.

"Yup! And I'll I had to-" he stopped. "This isn't about me. You should go and be with your friends."

"Our friends." I corrected.

"Right. Let's go." He said dragging me out of bed.

We walked to the football field and they were all standing there.

"Aphmau!" They exclaimed.

"Oh wait, um, hi." Garroth said more casually.

I guess they remembered 'I don't' have my memory.

"Guys, this is Aphmau Phoenix." Travis introduced.

"Wait. Does she?" Katelyn started.

Travis nodded.

"Aphmau!" They all cheered.

They ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Wait till Laurence finds out!" Nicole exclaimed happily.

"Yeah!" Garroth agreed.

"He'll be so happy!" Dante said with the brightest smil.

"And relieved." Katelyn added.

"He already knows." I said sadly.

"Then where is he?" Garroth asked.

"Yeah, I highly doubt that he would leave your side." Katelyn said sarcastically.

"That's true." Nicole agreed.

"He's with his girlfriend." I answered.

A tear fell from my eye.

"What?" Katelyn said in disbelief.

"That can't be!" Nicole said shaking her head.

"There's no way he would do that!" Dante started to think.

"He put us through all that and he decides to give up!" Garroth said angrily.

"Who is his girlfriend?" Nicole asked.

"Ivy." I said looking down.

"No! They're not dating! Look I have no idea why she said that but they're not together!" Katelyn said.

"Are you serious?" I asked looking up.

"Yeah!" She replied.

"Oh my Irene! I've made a mistake!" I said grabbing my hair.

"Go get him!" Nicole urged me.

I nodded and ran off.

I ran so so so so fast.

I saw him still standing where I left him. Ivy was gone which made me feel relieved.

"Laurence!" I yelled.

He turned around and questioned what he was seeing, "Aphmau?"

I ran into his arms and this time for good.

"I'm so so sorry." I cried.

"It's okay. Shhhhhh. It okay. It's not your fault, none of it is. Shhhhhh." He shushed.

"I've put you through so much! I'm so so sorry!" I cried harder.

"I choose to stay by your side, we all did. I will forever stay by your side, no matter what happens." He comforted as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Thank you." I said nuzzling my head into his chest.

"I love you so much." He said passionately.

"I love you too." I replied looking up at him.

We stared at each other for a couple seconds. And to my surprise, he kissed me, and I kissed back.

It was like all the pressure was off my shoulders. Like a new world was unlocked.

I don't think I've ever been happier.
Guys, this it.

My first series is over.

An epilogue to this book will be coming next Tuesday. I'll also post some of my original ideas for this book but, after that it's over.

I really hope you guys stick around for other fanfictions I have in store. (I'm already in the works of a new one.)

Thank you guys so much for all of the support you've given me!! I love you guys so much and have a good day!!

Words: 982

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