Chapter 17- Travis Is... Different

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~•This is a side story, keep in mind this is still part of the main story but just a bit different•~

Katelyn's POV

"Hey Katelyn." I said shyly.

"Hi?" Katelyn questioned harshly.

"I-I-I was wondering..." I started.

"You were wondering?" She asked.

"Hey Travis, can I talk to you a minute?" Dante asked, interrupting our conversation.

"S-Sure." Travis said.

"Excuse me!" I said turning to Katelyn.

"Bro." Dante said.

"B-Bro?" I questioned.

"You gotta step up your lady game." He said to me.

"Lady game?" I mumbled.

"Laurence! Garroth! Over here!" Dante called over.

"You two can just talk or something." Laurence said to Katelyn and Nicole.

"What is it bro?" Garroth asked Dante.

"Yeah is there something wrong, bro?" Laurence asked.

"It's Travis bro." Dante answered.

"What's wrong with you bro?" Laurence asked staring at me.


"He likes Katelyn." Dante blurted out.

"D-Dante!" I yelled angrily.

"Broooooooooo." Garroth said.

"Just asked her out bro." Laurence said simply. "Don't make this more complicated than it needs to be."

"You also gotta be more sly." Dante explained.

They started explain so much more to me. I feel as if I'm changing so much. I'm going to do it.

"Heeeeeey Katelyn~." I said walking over to her, flirty.

"Heeeeeey Travis?" Katelyn questioned.

"So, when do you wanna go to the movies?" I said abruptly.

"We're not going to the movies. Why the sudden boost in confidence?" She asked tilting her head.

"What do you mean~?" I asked flirty.

"I mean that." She pointed out.

"I'm just asking out to the movies..."

"More like demanding."

"Hehe, so will you go?"

"Go where?"

"The movies!"

"Oh, no."






"Because I said so."

"You gotta give me something better than that!"

"Well then it's because you annoyingly persistent."




"Get away from me now."


"What did you just say?"

"I won't leave until you say yes to the date."

"Go away."



"Your annoying!"

"Nope! Just persistent!"

"Can't you be persistent in something else?"



"No- wait, did you just say yes."

"I will go on a movie date only if you get away from me for the rest of the night."



I walked over to the boys.

"I didn't think that would work." Laurence said amazed.

"I didn't think it'd work either." Garroth agreed.

"Of course it worked! He used my trick!" Dante bragged.

"Haha yeah!" I said brightly, giving a high five to Dante.

"I'm going to sleep." Laurence announced.

"Same, we've got a long day tomorrow." Garroth said.

"Yeah we should all go to sleep."

"Boys in my room, girls in-" Laurence stopped.

"..." Everyone was silent.

"Might I ask why this is emotional." I asked confused, breaking the awkward silence.

"The last time we had a sleepover here, Cadenza, Laurence's sister, was here with us." Nicole explained quietly, holding back tears.

Everyone was about to cry.

"I see, this is still a tender topic." I said quietly.

Everyone started crying quietly.

I walked out of the room.

I have a feeling he owns one of these.

I look at his bookshelf and see it.

Family Memories!!

I walk back into the living room.

I press the eject button and put the CD in.

I turn on the tv and everyone looks over at me.

All of a sudden pictures of Cadenza and Laurence show up on the tv.

"She's not gone, her memory is still alive. Her memory will continue to stay alive because you remember her and this CD shows her." I explain. "She is beautiful."

"Travis..." Katelyn chocked out.

Everyone sits around me on the couch.

That night, nobody fell asleep in the rooms.

All of us fell asleep in the living room.
Hope you enjoyed!

Word: 635

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