Collided- Laurence x Reader (Valentine's Day Special)

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~•Please note•~

Y/N= Your Name
F/A -F/S= Favorite Anime or Favorite Show
H/L= Hair Length
H/C= Hair Color
E/C= Eye Color

This one shot has nothing to do with the actual story. I thought I'd just post this for fun! Happy reading!

Laurence's POV

Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok. Imma do it, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask y/n to be my valentine. I'm so nervous; I think I'm waisting my time. There is no way she isn't taken. Maybe I should just- NO! Laurence, your gonna get her to be yours, and your gonna ask her no matter what. Ok, lets go.

~Knock Knock~

"Oh hey, Laurence, right?" She asks innocently. 

"Oh, yeah, that's right, it's me, Laurence." I say very nervously. I'm so nervous, I could faint.

"Aren't you on the soccer team at our school? In fact, I think your the team captain, right?" She ask sweetly again.

"Y-Yeah, yeah! That's me! Laurence the captain of the soccer team!" I say with a lot of enthusiasm. She giggles, Irene, her laugh is so adorable.

"Um, I wasn't expecting anyone today, but, would you like to come inside?" She asked gesturing into her house. I nod and walk inside.

"Wow, your place is real nice." I say amazed.

"Thanks! I just moved in." She says happily.

"That explains the boxes." I say feeling more confident.

"Yeah, I just moved out of my parents house he other day so it's been hectic. But don't worry! Your allowed over anytime!"


"Yeah, we're friends right?"

"Yeah. Look, I gotta go home, I saw someone move in next door and I wanted to see who it was."

"Oh, wait, next door?"

"Yeah, um, hello neighbor!"

"Sweet! This is gonna be great!"



At least we're neighbors, so it'll be difficult to chicken out. Seeing her every morning will be my little reminder. I smiled.

I must've been stuck in this thought for a while because before I knew it, my face hit the door and I was kissing with the door.

"WRONG THING!" I yelled in anger thinking of y/n.

•A Few Days Later•


"Hm? Sorry I didn't catch that. One more time, please."

"Will you... be my... valentine?"



"That's so cute! You were so nervous!"


"One more time. Your so nervous, it's difficult to make out what you saying, haha."

"Will you?"


"Thank Irene!"


"I've been meaning to ask you for months now, and just to confess how I feel."

"Come here."

I walked closer to her and she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

•A Few Weeks Later•

"I love you."

"Laurence, what?"

"T-There, I-I said it."

"I-I don't know what to say."

"Tell me the truth."


"Do you feel the same way?"

"I-I'm scared."


"Because I'm afraid to fall in love. I've done it once before, my heart was just shattered into a million pieces."

"I would never do that."

"You sound like him."

"Do I remind out of him?"

"A little bit. He was so charming, easy to fall for. He was shy at first, then became comfortable with me, said he loved me, then cheated. I don't wanna fall again."

"Y/n, do I look like I'd do that? I've waited years, on top of years, to tell you how I felt."

"You said months."

"I lied. I didn't want to come off too strong at the time. But, since the first day I met you, I liked you, eventually it turned into a love, and then us. I love you y/n and I would never hurt you."

"I love you too."

"Come here."

I pulled her into a hug.

"Best Valentines Day ever!" She said.

"It is."

After that, you decided to go to a carnival (you won all the prizes because you, person reading this, is dah best at everything and an awesome human being and I love you! Too far! Ok.... forget the I love you, but the rest is tru). After having the best carnival visit, you decided to watch F/A-F/S.

"That was amazing." I said.

"It never gets old." She said.

I run my fingers through her H/L H/C hair.

It's perfect.

This is perfect.

Today is perfect.

Life is perfect.

She is perfect.

I look at her E/C eyes and she looks into my baby blue eyes; we stared at each other for a minute. Then I went in for a kiss. And that was it,

As our lips touched, worlds collided.
I hope you enjoyed this one shot! If you want me to do more of these let me know.

So sorry for not updating, I've been busy with life.

Thanks again for reading

Happy Valentines Day💗

Words: 834

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