"i have to walk,  she's busy." i said.

just then,  i saw the mean girl from earlier and maddie in the car leaving school. okay,  thanks mad. i don't want a ride.

"if you want, i could walk you home. my parents won't be home for another thirty minutes anyway." i nodded and smiled.

"so,  listen." he started.

"i know we've only known each other for a day, but..." he said. i looked up at him.

"you're gonna be my new best friend." he said and giggled.

"perfect, best friend." i said.

we chatted about silly things, playing around and before i knew it we reached my house.

"woah, it's huge." george said.

me being the childish me,  i said, "that's what she said. " we both laughed for a while.

"i think you have someone waiting for you." he said pointing to the window.

"wait, isn't that the girl from earlier?" he said. i nodded and looked down.

"yep,  that's my sister. trust me,  she's actually a really sweet person." i said.

we laughed a bit.

"well,  are you going to be okay?" he said,  a bit concerned.

i smiled and nodded.

i held up a fist,  and we did a fist,  bump.

as i started to walk in the house,  i turned around and said,  "later,  loser!" and held up a peace sign.

"wait, loser! what's your number?" he said.

i started to walk towards him, "hey,  watch it! you're the loser,  im the genius." i said laughing. i gave him my number and waved bye running in the house.

maddie was sitting on the couch eating an apple while watching tv.

"what took you so long?" she said looking at me.

i gave her the dirtiest look and went up to my room.

i looked around and saw post it notes guiding me to my surprise.

they led me to the closet.

i skimmed and looked up and down the closet and saw a brand new red iphone seven plus sitting there. i basically screamed.

on the box it read 'its already transferred and set up,  enjoy -dad. '

awe,  my dad did this?

maddie came upstairs to see what the screaming was about.

"no fair! she said as she saw my phone. i want one!" i smirked.

i opened it up,  and started to play with it. i then received a text message from an unknown number.

anon: hey, genius. it's the loser.

me: number saved,  loser. talk to you later, best friend.

i smiled.

no, i don't like him at all. he's just my best friend.

i do my math homework and run down stairs to grab a snack. maddie is sitting there on the phone.

"yeah,  sure. i'll come. i just need to ask my mom." maddie says.

as if on cue,  mom comes through the door.

"hugs and kisses!" she says. i go over and give her a hug and kiss,  so does maddie.

"mom, can i go to the mall with my new friend? her name is alexandria." she said.

so, that's that girl's name.

mom nods and maddie goes to get ready.

"so, how was school today, babygirl?" she asks curious.

"it was good. i mean i have a little encounter but that isnt a big deal. i met a new friend,  who is now my best friend. he is am-" i said and she stopped me.

"he?" she paused. "listen,  i dont want any boy-" she started.

"mom! we are best friends. i don't like him. promise!" i said just as the front door closes. maddie left.

i rushed to the window to see maddie and alexandria staring at me.

they speed off.

i groan and go upstairs until dinner is ready.

i facetimed george and we talked until he had football practice,  and well it was fun.

he doesn't talk much about his mom and who she is. i wonder why.

"dinner!" i heard mom call. well, at least it smells good.

hate to love you.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora