Chapter 34

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Willow's POV

I rush into the room and breath a sigh of relief. Thank God. No one is hurt. No one is dead. There is no Ryan.

Instead all I see is mum rocking Isaac in her arms. She's muttering about how cute he is and she is so lucky to be his grandmother.

"Awww you're so cute aren't you? Yes you are." Mum coos.

I just laugh. She suddenly looks up and her eyes go wide.

"Don't tell me your dad heard me scream. Oh God, he's going to kill me. Too much noise. Oh God. I'm really going to die.

"Mum, stress less. He is in a pretty good mood, I suppose. Justin started flirting with-"

"Don't tell me your father heard that. He is going to skin Justin alive."

"Mum, he was in the same room when Justin started flirting. It is no big deal."

Her eyes suddenly go wide and she starts muttering under her breathe. "Oh Justin is going to be dead. I better plan his funeral. The poor boy. He had so much to live for. The poor, poor boy. Oh dear God, please look-"

"MUM! He's fine. Justin is good. Dad didn't care. He said it was my choice. 'Flirt all you care. It's up to her'. Or something like that. He didn't care. Justin is still going to be alive. He's not going to kill you-"

"Who's killing my beloved wife?" Dad says, walking into the lounge room. "And why was my beloved wife screaming? What's happening-"

He suddenly stops mid sentence. I turn around to see him staring at Isaac, wide eyed. Oh God. This is the time we die. He is going to skin me alive. He is going to kill Isaac. He is going to kill everyone.

"He's adorable isn't he?" Dad finally says, smiling at Isaac.

Wait, what? He said what? Is this the same man mum described to me? These two personalities have to belong to different people.

"Willow meet me in my office. We need to talk."

"Er, where exactly is your office?" I ask.

"You'll find it. Justin can help you." He turns around and winks at me. "I need to talk to your mother for a bit. I'll meet you in there pretty soon. I'll bring the baby in as well."

I just nod and smile. I turn to mum and mouth 'stay safe' to her. Dad's different side could come out again. I don't need mum to be murdered. Not now. Not ever.

I walk out of the lounge room and see Justin leaning against a wall talking to Jaco.

Justin smiles at me and waves me over. I make my way over to him and he hugs me again. What is it with this guy and hugging? Not that I'm complaining. I kinda like Justin. He's restored my faith and trust in men. Not completely but it's slowly getting there.

"Hey Willow. How are you?" Jaco asks.

"Not bad. Everything's still a little bit overwhelming but I'm getting there." I reply.

"Good to hear. Did you find Isaac alright? Aunt Courtney was asking about him."

"Oh yeah. I just saw. Dad and mum are in there now. I'm not sure how that will go."

You can't miss the uneasy expression that flashes across Jaco's face but he attempts to cover it up with a smirk.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Jaco attempts to reassure me.

The key word in there is attempts. I am not very reassured.

"Can you tell me where he's office is?" I ask.

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