Chapter 9

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Willow's POV

I hold the phone with shaky hands. I'm so scared I'm going to drop it. Justin leans against the wall, staring at me.

Finally someone picks up. "Hello? Justin is there a problem?"

My hands shake harder as I hear Ryan's voice.

I open and close my mouth but I can't form any words. I'm far too nervous.


"Ryan," I mange to squeak out.


"Um Ryan, I-I-I, I'm- Ry-"

"For fuck's sake Willow! Stop stuttering and get on with it. Where's Justin?"

"Ryan, I'm p-pregnant."

The line goes silence. Is this good or bad? Should I say something? What should I say?

"Very good, Willow. I'm proud of you. How far along are you?" He finally says. I can hear the smirk in his voice and I want to slap him.

"A-about four weeks."

"Ok. I'm going to be back tomorrow. I need to talk to Justin."

I just past the phone to Justin and rush out the door.

I bump straight into Lizzie and go flying across the hallway. I land against the wall and guilt flashes across Lizzie's face.

"I'm so, so sorry. Are you alright?" She asks, helping me up.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

"No seriously. Are you ok? I heard Glen shouting before and overheard that you locked yourself in the bathroom. Are you sure you're ok?"

"No I'm not ok. Why would I be ok? I'm pregnant. I'm fucking pregnant with Ryan's baby. I vowed myself, I'd never get pregnant. I promised myself that I wouldn't give him what he wants. I promised that I would die trying to get out of here. But now I'm pregnant. My biggest weakness is children! Everyone knows that. I'll have to obey what Ryan says. He'll blackmail me into it. He's already threatening to kill all the girls. I don't want anyone to die from me. Ryan will do anything to get me to behave. He's that ruthless."

"Hey listen, Willow. I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll go downstairs, make some coffee, sit outside and we'll talk. Ok?"

"Alright." I reply, staring at my feet.

I follow Lizzie down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lizzie makes us both some coffee and then we walk outsides.

As soon as we step outside, one of the gang members appear from nowhere.

He shadows us until we find a spot to sit. I've meet that gang member but I can't remember his name. I think it's something like Jayden. Zayden. Something like that. I really don't have a clue.

Lizzie and I sit down on the grass and we start sipping our coffee.

"So Willow, just calm down. I know you're only seventeen and you're pregnant but just breathe. Willow as long as you keep Ryan happy, there's nothing to worry about. When I say happy, I don't mean broken. I don't mean submissive. I don't mean obedient. Think of the baby, Willow. Just do whatever you can to protect it. Don't worry about the other girls. If you do something wrong and they get killed, don't stress. We won't hate you. We won't want to kill you. We will still love you. Everyone makes mistakes and it's fine. As mean as this sounds, it's probably best the girls do die. When they grow up, they'll just fall pregnant with gang members. We need to break the cycle somewhere and I know dying isn't the best option, it's our only option at the moment. What I mean is, just don't make yourself sick worrying. Worrying won't get you anywhere. You have to face it and try hard. If you ever get an opportunity to escape, do it. Go for it. Take that opportunity and run. Willow this may seem hard to believe, but Ryan genuinely cares about you. You're his favourite by far. If you do get caught, the gang won't kill you. If you get given an opportunity, seize it. Don't just give it away. Be strong. We are all here for you and going to support you. We won't hate you for your mistakes. Mistakes happen in life and we will move on. Are you ok with that? Nothing's going to be your fault."

Is she trying to make me feel better or worst? At the moment I'm not sure. It sounds like she's planning something. Am I just being paranoid or is something going on? I honestly don't know what to do or what to believe.

I need mum. She would know exactly what to do in this situation. I wonder if anyone has noticed me missing. Abbie and Sammy will notice I'm missing. Won't they? What about work? What will they say? But Steven will probably make up some excuse. Will Owen even notice? If Owen died, what would I do? I would have no one to live for. Apart from my little baby inside me. I'm just so lost right now. What do I do? I need mum. I need her advice, her coffee and her hugs.

"Thanks Lizzie. I think I just want some space for myself for a bit. I'll see you later."

"Can I ask one more question before you go? Did Justin do anything?"

"No. Why?"

"You're just wearing his hoodie. I was just wondering."

"Oh right. My shirt was in half so he gave me his jumper."

She simply nods in return. I give her a weak smile before getting up. I walk past whoever was guarding us and back inside. I finish off my coffee and place the cup in the sink.

I walk back up the stairs and down the hallway. I get to Justin's room and debate whether I should knock or walk straight in.

I lightly tap the door and walk in. Justin comes out of the ensuite and when he sees me, a flash of guilt flashes across his face.

What has he done? What is wrong with him? Is he up to something of what? Was he even looking guilty?

Maybe you were just being paranoid. Maybe you're just looking for someone to help you out of this situation. He's a gang member. His brother is Ryan's best friend. He wouldn't help you even if you paid him a million dollars.

I walk past him and flop on his bed. I roll over and start my mental breakdown.

I start sobbing, hysterical and screaming. I'm pretty sure I sounded like a dying walrus or some other demented creature.

I shrivel up in the pillows and let all my tears out. I never thought I would break with these people but Daniel is right. I'd do anything to protect a child and if that meant obey, I'd obey. Children are my biggest weakness. I'd do anything for a child. I guess I sure go with my original plan. Act broken and gain trust. When I finally gain enough trust, escape and never look back.

I can do this. I can get out of this mess alive. I will get out of this mess alive and I will get out alive with my child. Nothing will stop me.


Hey again.

I hope this chapter isn't too short but I'm pushed for time as usual.

Maybe tomorrow's chapter will be longer...

Although I can't make any promises.

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- Bethany x

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