Chapter 10

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Ryan's POV

I smile at the thought of seeing Willow again. She certainly made me one happy man last night. I didn't realise she would get pregnant that quickly. She seemed pretty certain she would never give me a child.

I grab my duffle bag and chuck it at Julian. He catches it and puts it down with the rest of the luggage.

A smirk reappears across my face remember the phone call.

Flash back to last night;

My phone keeps ringing but I can't find. Where the hell did I leave it?

I lift my jacket up to find it sticking out from the pillow. I look at caller ID and frown. Why would Justin he calling me? What has Willow done? Of course Willow would cause trouble when I'm gone. I'm going to kill her when I get home.

"Hello? Justin is there a problem?"

The line is completely quite and I look down to check if the call is still going. What is going on? What has Willow done that Justin is so afraid to tell me? Has something bad happened to Willow?

The silence draws it out longer and I can't stand it anymore.

"Hello? Justin what is going on?"

"Ryan," I hear a small voice whisper.


What the hell is Willow doing on Justin's phone? Has something bad happened to him. But she would call the police, not me. She would take the opportunity to get away. Why is she calling me?

"Um Ryan, I-I-I, I'm- Ry-"

What the hell is going on? Why is she stuttering? This isn't like her. And where's Justin?

"For fuck's sake Willow! Stop stuttering and get on with it. Where's Justin?"

"Ryan, I'm p-pregnant."

My whole world stops as I hear those words. Those two words can make my heart melt. One of the most ruthless gang leaders in the world can crumble at being a father. A smile as big as the ocean, crosses my face. She is pregnant. She's pregnant with my child. She really knows how to make me happy.

"Very good, Willow. I'm proud of you. How far along are you?"

"A-about four weeks."

"Ok. I'm going to be back tomorrow. I need to talk to Justin."

I hear scrambling and then Justin's voice.

"Hey Ryan. What can I do for you?"

"Is she really pregnant?"

"Yeah, she's really pregnant."

"How did you find out? I didn't find her as someone who would tell anyone."

"She locked herself in the bathroom after walking out of Glen's office. She thought no one would notice if she slipped in and grabbed a pregnancy test."

"How did you get her to come out of the bathroom? She isn't that submissive yet."

"Daniel. She's completely terrified of him. It was quite simple. Then Daniel pieced together what happened and took a stab in the dark, asking why she's got a pregnancy test. Then she basically admitted it, thinking we knew but she told us."

"Alright. There's been no trouble back there?"

"No it's all been fine. We haven't had anymore trespassers and gangs are staying back."

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