Chapter 11

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Willow's POV

I slump down into the couch. I wish it could just swallow me up. Why does this happen in the world? Why are there people like Steven and Daniel in the world? Why did Steven and Daniel give me to Ryan.

I remember talking about kidnapping to mum. Apparently I would of been dead in the first five seconds because I'm too sassy. Well at least I'm not dead. I'm going to get out of this alive. But I'm not going to give them the joy of breaking me. If I die being sassy, I die being sassy.

"Hey Willow."

I look up to see Alana leading against the door. "Hey Alana."

"I just thought I'd tell you, Ryan is back. He's still outside."

I rub my hand over my face and sigh. "Thanks. I guess."

Alana smiles and leaves. I bring my feet up onto the couch and lean my chin on my knees.

Great. Wonderful. Amazing. No, come on Willow. You knew he was coming back soon. You'll be fine. Just be a sass queen. Just be yourself. He can't kill you because you're pregnant. He won't kill you. You'll be fine. Willow, you'll be fine.

I'm interrupted when Justin comes into the room. He starts pacing up and down. What is his problem? He's always acting weird. Am I just being paranoid? Yeah Willow, you're just being paranoid. There's nothing to worry about.

He stops pacing and pulls out his phone. He messages someone and smirks at me. Why is he smirking? This can't be good. This really can't be good. What is it with kidnapper's always smiling at the worst times? So stereotypical.

"WILLOW!" I instantly freeze at Daniel's voice. What does he want? "WILLOW GET YOURSELF IN THE KITCHEN!"

I slowly get up from the couch and shuffle towards the kitchen.

I linger at the door before taking a deep breath and walking in. I find Abbott, Daniel and Ryan all talking.

Abbott looks up at me and smirks. "Hi Willow. Congratulations on the baby."

Ryan turns around and smiles. He picks me up and spins me around. This would be cute if he wasn't my rapist.

"I heard my baby girl went and got pregnant while I was away."

Baby girl? No come on Willow, it could be worst. It could be worst. Don't say anything though. Keep your mouth shut. You have to protect this baby. You have to get out of here alive.

But I couldn't hold my attitude back any longer.

"Fuck off Ryan! I'm not your baby girl! I will never be your fucking baby girl."

Ryan sighs and drops me.

"Willow. Willow I though we had been through this. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean I won't punish you. You need to learn how to behave and how to be submissive. I will break you Willow."

I look up at him and wipe the tears away from my eyes. I really need to protect my baby. I need to protect me and the baby. Go with your original plan. Pretend to be broken. Don't talk. Don't be sassy. Don't give back sassy remarks. Pretend to be broken for the baby's sake.

Ryan leans down and brings his face towards mine. He grabs my hair and crashes his lips onto mine. The kiss is punishing and I can feel blood dripping from my lip.

He finally pulls back and helps me onto my feet.

"You'll behave Willow. I know you will."

And the worst thing, he's right. I'm going to behave. I'm going to break. But it's to protect the baby. It's not to please Ryan. It's to protect my little baby. My baby. Not his, but mine. This is my little baby.

As he leaves, I slump back on the floor. You've got to survive this. You've got to get out of this alive. You've got to protect the baby. Protect your baby with your life. You've got this Willow. You've got to do this for your baby's safety. You'll get through this Willow. You'll come out of here alive. Just focus on the baby. You can do this Willow. You've got this. You can do it. Focus on the baby. Focus on getting out of here. Focus on finding dad. Focus on finding mum again. Focus on seeing Owen again. You've got this.

I'm interrupted by Justin. Again. He eyes scan around the kitchen before walking towards me. He pulls me up and chucks me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Shut up and cooperate."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just go along with what I'm about to do and keep your mouth shut."

"What are you going to do?"

"Shut up and I'll explain everything afterwards."


"Shut up."

"Can y-"

"Shut up."

"Justin w-"

"Shut up!"

I finally listen. I allow Justin to carry me to wherever we were going.

He walks down a few hallways and comes to a stop somewhere I haven't been. Where are we? Where is he taking me? What is he doing? What is he going to explain? He better have a good explanation. Is he up to something or is it just me? Am I just being paranoid or what? Is he a traitor? Is he trying to save me? Or is this to test me? What if he's going to try and gain my trust to test me? What if it's a set up? What is it? Do I trust him?

Unknown's POV

"We've got another lead."

"I really don't care. We've had leads all fucking month. It's probably not her anyway."

"No boss. Seriously this is her. She's in another gang's hands."

"Fuck. Who?"

"You know who."

"Fuck. Ok. We've got this. Call everyone. I want a meeting here in five minutes. We'll do whatever it takes to get her out. After which I'll personally get answers from her."

"Well that should be fun. I'm sure she'll enjoy it."

"Don't make me laugh. Meeting here in five. Tell everyone."

"Yes boss."

I walk down the hallway smiling like an idiot. Finally we actually have a lead. I'll get answers from this bitch.



I thought I would update now before I freeze to death.

Sorry about the short chapter but I'm at aths, freezing because I can't participate. Stupid knees and tendons.

I promise tomorrow's chapter will be longer.

Anyway; vote & comment

- Bethany x

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