Chapter 14

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Willow's POV

I wake up with confusion. I slowly open my eyes and find myself in an doctor's office. What the hell happened to me?

And then, like a pin dropping, everything comes flooding back into my memory.

Cade waking me up.

Going downstairs.


Daniel's boot.

My screams.

His kicks.


What happened after that? And why? Why did he beat the shit out of me?

The door flings open and I quickly shut my eyes. Who would of just walked in? Daniel to finish beating me? Ryan to kill me? Justin to trick me again? Glen to give me another horrid examination?

"Do you have any idea when she'll be out of the coma?" I hear Ryan's voice.

"It should be now. If not by the end of the week, we'll just have to let her go. Or we can keep her alive until the baby is bigger and then she can give birth while she's in the coma. Although that option is pretty risky. It would be best if she was in a hospital." I hear Glen reply.

"Well she can't go to a hospital. Maybe we should just let her go. I could just get another replacement."

"It's completely up to you."

And then I make the worst mistake. I twitch my fingers and someone obviously notices.

"What was that?" Abbott asks.

"What was what?" Ryan replies.

"I swear she just moved her hand."

"You're probably just imagining it."

"No I didn't imagine it. I swear she did."

"Check her out, Glen."

I can feel hands touching me and all I want to do is squat them away. As they go places more personally, I flinch.

"Looks like Abbott is right. She's out of the coma. She's awake and the baby is still alive as well."

I hear footsteps fading and then someone grabs my arm. "Open your eyes Willow."

The grip on my arm tightens. "Open your eyes!"

I slowly and reluctantly open them and come face to face with Ryan.

"Hello Willow. Good to see you're still alive."

I just hum in reply. I need to protect myself and my baby. I'm not making stupid mistakes. I'm going to protect all the other little girls. They aren't going to get killed by my stupid and selfish mistakes.

Ryan's hand travels down to mine and he intertwines our fingers. "Guess what tomorrow is?"

"I'm not sure." I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

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