Chapter 32

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Willow's POV

My mouth hangs open while I stare at him. What is he doing here? Why is he here? I thought I was never going to see him again.

"Wil-Willow. What are you doing here? You're suppose to be in England." Justin says slowly. "Why are you here? This was your escape. You aren't suppose to be here."

"What happened is too hard to explain. These people kidnapped me. Again." I say slowly.

"You and Justin have meet?" Jaco asks suddenly.

"Yeah we have," Justin quickly says. "We use to go to school together."

Wait. What? We did? Oh, we did apparently.

"Really Justin? 'This was your escape. You're aren't suppose to be here'? What's that suppose to mean?" Jaco asks.

Of course he is so nosy. Can't he just mind his own business. But wait. How do Jaco and Justin know each other? Is this like a family reunion or something? Is Jemma and Owen going to come waltzing through the door next? Is mum going to appear out one of these doors?

Wait. Didn't Jaco say my dad had my mum with him? Where is she then? I need her right now. I need her cuddles and advice.

"Hey Jaco?" I ask, interrupting their conversation. "Where's my mum?"

"Willow we need to talk," Justin buts in.

"And why do you have to talk to her?" A new voice asks.

I turn around to see an older man standing in the doorway. He smiles down at me and tears fall from his eyes.

"Mia cara ragazza. Il mio bambino." (My dear girl. My baby)

I stare at him for a while before finally getting the picture. This is my dad. This is who I've waited so long to meet. He's finally here.

He walks over to me and throws his arms around me. But I couldn't bring myself to hug him back.

I'm just dirt. Staying with Ryan did really affect me in a way I can't put into words. Why would someone want me? Let alone my own family? Why would they want to know me? Why would they accept me back into the family? Why would they care? Why would anyone care? No one cares about me. It's just me. Plain, boring, old me.

"Justin why did you need to speak with Willow?" He finally asks, letting me go.

I walk backwards until I bump into Jaco who thankfully catches me.

"W-we just had things to discuss sir." Justin finally replies.

"Really? Don't lie to your boss. Office. Now!" He demands.

Justin nods his head and walks down the hallway.

Wait. What? Boss? Justin works for my dad? Why? What does my dad even do? And what was he doing with Ryan and his gang? Even though he was double crossing him, why would he know about Hardy and his men?

"Get Courtney out of our room." My dad says gently before he turns and walks away.

Is he really my dad? Wouldn't he be more happier to see me?

That's your fault Willow. You pushed him away. You didn't hug him back. It's all because your dirt. You're nothing Willow. He's going to be so ashamed when he finds out you have a child. He wouldn't even want to call you his child.

Wait. Who's Courtney? Why is Courtney coming down here? And what does he mean 'our room'?

"What was that?" Jaco suddenly asks.

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