Chapter 29

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Willow's POV

"Che cazzo? Che cazzo stai facendo Anthony?" (What the fuck? What the fuck are you doing Anthony?)

"Cosa vuoi dire mate? Sto portando il nostro ospite a parlare con il capo." (What do you mean mate? I'm bringing our guest to talk with the boss)

"Sto parlando della fottuta pistola contro di lei-" He gets interrupted by running footsteps. The footsteps suddenly stop. (I'm talking about the fucking gun against her-)

"What the bloody hell is going on down here?" A new person's voice roars. "Well?"

At least he's speaking English. I may be able to answer some of what they are saying.

"Does anyone want to answer me? Why all the shouting?"

I still couldn't see anyone's face because Anthony hadn't put me down yet. I'm really praying he will do that pretty soon.

"Hello? What is-" he stops mid sentence. "What the fuck are you doing Anthony? I told you to bring her up to my office not hold her at fucking gunpoint!"

Well this must be the famous boss I keep hearing about. Why does he want to see me?

Anthony drops me off his shoulder and I sigh with relief. Tears are still running down my cheeks and I attempt to blink them away. The key word in there was attempt. It didn't work too well.

I sob and sniffle while the three other men continue their screaming match at each other.

"Anthony, didn't you learn anything from watching Lilo and Stitch on repeat with Aria? Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. You don't fucking hold family at gunpoint."

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Wait. Family? What the fuck? Family? Family? No! What? This is messing with my mind. I'm so confused. How are they my family?

"She wasn't listening to me! She wouldn't move."

"So you threaten her at fucking gunpoint? Because that makes so much fucking sense Anthony! She's your fucking cugino!" (Cousin)

Wait what does cugino mean? Why won't they just speak English? It would make my life so much easier. Cugino? Cugino?

It's kinda sounds like cousin. But Anthony wouldn't be my cousin. That's just messed up. And weird. Why would Anthony be my cousin? How is that possible? I don't have any family.

And then it hits me.

Like a ton of bricks.

My dad.

My real, biological father.

I hear footsteps and more yelling. But this time it's a female's voice.

"Che cazzo! Cosa hai fatto a lei? Io strapperò il tuo cazzo off!" (What the fuck! What did you do to her? I will rip your dick off)

That sounded feisty. I wonder what that means. Why can't they speak English? It would make my life so much easier.

I look up to see Anthony standing awkwardly against the wall, examining his shoes.

The man that first yelled at Anthony, is messaging someone while muttering away in another language.

The man, that I assumed in their boss is shaking his head at Anthony and looks genuinely pissed.

There's also a girl standing in the middle of the room. She looks about my age. Maybe a little older. She has light brown hair that is pulled up in a messy bun. She's got a pair of black jeans on and a grey jumper on. On the jumper is a picture of Stitch, waving.

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