(21) Where Our Friendship Began.

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She wasn't the normal Taylor. Well, obviously not after I went all Slash and Cut on her face and neck. She had an eye patch-like thing on her face, covering the eye I stabbed. I moved closer to Liam.

He stood there rigid, while I stood timid beside him.

Nate however, went all out. He sauntered up to her.

"YO HO HO HO, A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME!" He began singing, obviously referring to her eyepatch, at the same time while waving his walking stick in the air. He went right up next to her and blew in her ear.Taylor turned to us, momentarily giving us a WTF look, while Nate was busy examining her hair like it was pure gold while sniffing it. Taylor moved away quickly, returning to her cold, hard demeanour.

"Well, somebody's either drugged or stoned beyond relief." she said looking at him before returning her attention to us.

"So," she said, "How do you propose I kill you three? I was thinking, smothering Liam, shooting Nate and oh, torturing and then killing Nikki." she said with a smirk.

Liam gave her a cold laugh, that didn't reach his eyes. "I'd like to see you try, Taylor, But quite honestly, haven't you done enough damage to last you a lifetime? Karma's going to be a right - down bitch to you, you know." he said, matter-of-factly.

As scared as I was, I couldn't help but marvel at how Liam handled situations. He was calm and composed, heck even a little bit smartass. No matter what was going through his mind, he made sure to not let his enemy know what he was thinking. He kept on a cool, I-don't-care face, which almost always worked in his favour.

"Well, I think it's already caught up to me. Hence the eyepatch. But either way, you know that I don't give a damn. Now, Liam, why so serious?"

"Oh, shut up. You know nothing aboout life. Love. Friendship. Loyalty. Tell me, how do you sleep at night?"

"I know nothing about those qualities that make people WEAK? I consider myself LUCKY, to not get pulled down by petty issues, Liam."

"You really think that's what counts as weakness? You thinks THAT'S weakness, and not being honest to even a single person in your life? You think it isn't weak to smile and lie to your best friend of five years, and act all lovey-dovey to her, while actually trying to kill her?"

I had never thought of it that way. My mind wandered and went into flashback mode when I remembered how I had met Taylor for the first time.

It was the first day of school. Most people seemed either nerdish as hell, rich and prude, or just plain stuck up. I mentally cursed my parents for making me write the entrance test. Never in a million years did I expect to actually pass it, let alone ace it and go to The Fallside View Academy. 'What a snobby name!' I remember thinking to myself.

Right, I'll just sit here in this uncofortable, scratchy uniform, I thought. Right then, let me just gear up for a miserable year-

"HI!" A short girl with cute little pigtails and a bright cheeky grin plastered to her face plopped herself down next to me.

"Hi!" I replied, glad to have some company.

"Oh my gosh, I love your bracelet!" she said examining my star and moon silver charm bracelet.

"Thanks!" I said giggling. "I love yours!" I said pointing at her blue and silver bracelet with little skulls on them

"Wanna exchange?"

"Sure!" I exclaimed taking mine off.

"Can you help me with the clasp? I can't get it off!" she pouted.

I beamed and carefully released the clutch.

From that moment onwards, we were inseparable. We had almost the same classes and we were joined at the hip. People got more and more used to seeing us together. Heck we were called twins for a bit as well. We were both outgoing yet bookish. We had hair down to our midbacks. We wore it in similar styles everyday. One day ponytail, another day a French Braid and another, simply leaving it lose with a simple hairband in place.

Two weeks later we had a new student. Nate O'Riley. Girls flocked to him, like moth to a flame. So naturally, we thought he was a player, and just bad company. We were probably the only girls who didn't fawn and go goo-goo over him. He seemed vain and arrogant to our eyes, and we didn't know any better. However, one day at lunch, he had girls calling him from every table and guys yelling out his name to catch his attention.

He grinned at most of them and winked at the girls. "Later babes!" he called out to them. They all fainted at the very motion of the wink aimed at them, while Taylor mimed puking into her hands.

He sailed by the nerd, jock and cheerleader tables to join me, Taylor, Lauren and Devonne (who we had become good friends with upon meeting the at the dorm) sitting at one table.

"Ladies." he said smiling at all of us. Lauren and Devonne grinned back and introduced themselves to him. He grinned and winked.

"Pleasure, ladies."

Me and Taylor just sat there, calmly eating our sandwiches. Lauren and Devonne got up to go get some water from the fountain.

"Okay, why are you here?" asked Taylor unabashedly to him.

"Well, it's a right down pain the arse being followed around by the cheerleaders, and you two seem to be the only normal people here. Those twins seem nice as well." he replied frankly.

We just stared back at him. We saw him in a whole new light now. Not Nate O'Riley the Player, but a pretty decent guy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners? Nate O'Riley." he said offering his hand.

"Taylor Dodson." replied Taylor with a smile shaking his hand.

"Wonderful." he said.

"And you are?" he asked me.

"Nikki. Nikki Morales." I said taking his hand.

And that was where it all began.

However, my flashback was rudely interupted by Taylor's menacing voice ringing through the room.


I jumped and stared at her.

She walked forward threateningly.

"I'm going to show you EXACTLY what I do to people I don't like."

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