(1) The Beginning.

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Blood pounded in my ears. I crouched in one corner, hoping to stay hidden. I assessed the bullet wound on my leg, from which blood was continuously pouring out of. My arms were covered from nicks and cuts gotten during the fight. Clumps of my hair was stuck with residual blood.

This is it. This is truly how I am going to go down.

When you are so close to the end, all you can do is go back to the beginning. Back to how it all began.

How did I get myself into this position?!



I groaned and silenced my alarm with a thump. Yes, I am not exactly a morning person. The kind of person who jumps up 3 minutes before their alarm and sings to the world about it. Definitely not me. I'm more of a wake-me-up-before-10 a.m-and-I-will-kill-you kinda person.

-"Girl look at dat body, aaaaah,

Girl look at dat body aaaaaaah,

I-I work out-"

Argh. My best friend Taylor was calling. Wait what? Why would she call me at 7:00 a.m?

I groggily got up and answered.

"What Taylor?"

She giggled on the other end. "Rise and shine baby! Today's the first day of.....SENIOR YEAAARRRRR!" I groaned in response.

"Anyway, Nikki, I'm already downstairs. I jogged around for a bit. You wouldn't believe how many people are here already!"

I should probably tell you a little more about this Me and Taylor attend The Fallside View Academy. A boarding school for the gifted. It's one of the most prestigious schools you can get into. Or, in this school's case, the dumb, but really rich people could also pay their way into. It's one of the oldest schools, and a brilliant one at that I had received a scholarship to attend this school, and my parents were oh so proud.

"Hellloooo? Earth to Nikki?"

I sighed. "Yes, Taylor, I'm here."

"Well? Aren't you pumped, Nikki?"

Well, I wasn't all THAT excited I mean, back to waking up early? Back to assignments and projects? Back to Ms. Black, my bitchy homeroom teacher?  "Yeah, I guess."

"Well hurry up and get dressed! You and Tanya are the only people in our dorm still sleeping!"

"Okay, Tay. Let me shower and I'll meet you at the Dining Hall."

After showering and brushing up, I put on my school uniform. It's quite good really. Black skirt, white shirt and red tie. I put a little powder and mascara and I was good to go.

I arrived at the Dining Hall at 7:30 where I was met by my squealing best girl friend Taylor. My other best friend Nate O'Riley sauntered up with his usual smirk. Apart from being the brother I nevr had, Nate was quite a catch. He was funny, a little arrogant, but kind at the same time. After the general chatter all three of us went down to the office so Mrs. Price could hand us our schedules. I looked at mine.

8:30-9:30 - Chemistry

9:30-10:30 - Physics

10:30-11:30 - Free

11:30-12:30 - Specialized Journalism & English

12:30 - 1:00 - Lunch

1:00-2:00 - Math

2:00-3:00 - Music

I cross checked with Nate and Taylor.

"Sweet! We have Physics and Journalism & English together!" said Taylor excitedly.

"I've got Math and Music with you, Nikki!", said Nate winking. "It's your favourite subject isn't it?"

I groaned. I detested Math from the bottom of my heart. I still never understood why I would be measuring abnormal angles made by aeroplanes and clouds. Throw that with functions, sine, cos, and logs, and you get my screwed up Math grade.

I sighed. I was happy here. Frankly, apart from the classes, it wasn't THAT boring. Quite nice, actually.

"What're you smiling about?" said Nate laughing.

"Just gearing up for a calm, uneventful year" I replied with a grin.

Oh boy, was I proved wrong.

End of Chapter 1.



I know, sucky for a first chapter, right?xD

But, message me with whatever you have to say, pretty please? Thaaaanks :)

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