(13) Prom Eve!!

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My breath caught in my throat upon reading the note. The note fluttered from my hands and fell to the floor noiselessly.

Liam was sending me those notes. I knew something was up when he was snogging Jessica. He came up so close and put his hand near me. He probably slipped that note into my pocket, because he KNEW I would be feeling so unsettled and hurt the second I saw that disgusting PDA, that I wouldn't notice his hand slipping that note in my pocket.

What about that moment of remorse after our duet? When he was nearly in tears? What happened to him that time? Moment of weakness I guess. He thought he liked me. And now, since he knows for sure that I happen to know part of his secret, he's going to kill me tomorrow.

My phone vibrated. It was a text message from Tanya.

'Heeeyyyyy ^__^

Lauren, Devonne, myself and Taylor are doing some last minute shopping for make-up. We'll be hitting a lot of stores, so if you need anything, just ask :)<3

Take care, we'll be back by 1 :) (I know, it's late, but we have MAJOR work to do :) Also, we've got Mrs. Black's permission to stay out till then if anyone asks :D ;)

Tttyl babee :* :)'

I sighed and put my phone down. Looks like I was going to be alone and somehow calm myself down. I got up and got myself a huge bar of Hershey's chocolate and plopped back down to my original position and began eating.

There was a timid knock on the door. I sighed.

Why the FUCK couldn't I even eat a bar of Hershey's in peace?!

I got up to open the door and saw Nate standing there awkwardly.

"Nate! What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise.

"Well, I go to school here," he said, running his hand through his hair, chuckling.

"No, I mean...oh, never mind! Come in." I said moving so he could enter. He came and looked around, observing all surroundings. "So THIS is what the girls dorm looks like." he said laughing.

"Disappointment, eh?" I said smiling weakly.

"Well, I was expecting more shirtless pictures of Tom Cruise or something like that. Not to mention pink, fluff, and lace all over the place too." he said chuckling.

"Haha," I replied in a hollow sort of way.

He looked at me in concern. "Okay, Nikki, what's the matter? D'you want to tell me what happened?"

I silently shook my head, hoping that my hair was covering my eyes enough, so that Nate wouldn't catch my tears. Sadly, he did. His face fell, seeing me and he drew me close into a hug. I sobbed into his shirt. He pulled my closer, and we both sat down.

"Sshh, sshh, now, do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Not really," I said hiccoughing, a fresh wave of tears starting.

I cried for another thirty minutes, when I finally calmed down. I looked up at him to see him patiently looking at me and softly stroking my hair.

"Okay, now do you want to tell me?"

Soon, everything burst out. The entire story gushed out of me, like water pouring from a spout. The entire date, the messages, the scary notes, the email, the thing on the 30th, me, the break up, him snogging and hooking up with Jessica, and the final note he slipped into my pocket.

Nate looked at me in horror. "When did you plan on telling me this, Nikki? Huh? Were you planning on keeping it a secret all this while? Did the thought even OCCUR to you, that 'Oh yeah, I might have to tell Nate and Taylor this!' NO! Instead, you wait until the last minute, get yourself sick, and keep it all bottled in you. What were you thinking? Oh, you stupid, stupid girl...."

He groaned and slumped against the wall. I looked at him scared. I had never seen him like this. Usually, Nate was the cool-headed one. The composed one. The person who would tell people to calm the fuck down when needed. And when NATE freaks out, you know you're screwed.

"Well, what should I do?" I asked, very scared now.

He sighed. "Okay, listen up Nikki. Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna gather whatever evidence we can gather, and try to piece it together. Do you still have any of thos notes?"

I nodded and quickly went to my purse to go get them. I took them all out carefully and brought them over. I sat down and showed him the notes. His brow furrowed looking at it.

" I've seen this handwriting before," he said, thinking hard.

"Where?!" I asked him, astonished.

"That's just it, I can't remember. I've definitely seen it before. I just don't know where."

"Isn't it Liam's?" I asked.

"No, I'm sure it isn't. I've seen his handwriting, and we share a dorm as well, I would have seen that handwriting of his somewhere."

"But I'm sure Liam was the one who slipped the note - "

"Which means, Liam's obviously doing this for a higher authority, not just for himself."

My breath caught in my throat. We kept looking at evidence pieces, read and reread articles on Alex Norman, Chinese Consulate, nuclear codes, and everything we could.

Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. I felt like banging my head against the wall, and I'm pretty sure Nate felt the same.

"Nikki, you said something about 'agents' keeping an eye on Liam?"

"Yeah, that's what the email said, anyway."

"Well, if the agents were keeping an eye on him, they'd have to be pretty close to him, right? Like, to keep a watch on him 24x7, they'd have to be near him a lot?"

"Nate, what are you getting at?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"It means, that the agents are probably in the school. They stay HERE, Nikki."





Nate saw my eyes grow large with fear. I gulped and he put his hand on mine. "Nikki, calm down. The worst thing you could possibly do now is panic."

Yeah, he tells me that now THREE people are trying to kill me, and they all stay a minute away from me. Oh, right and I'm not supposed to panic.


Super, fucking, awesome.

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