(7) I am SO screwed.

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Pictures. Pictures of me.Me in the hall, me eating lunch, me talking with Taylor and Nate. There were nearly a dozen photos. There were also pictures of my back to the camera, as if the photographer had been sitting behind me.


My hands began shaking so badly, I nearly dropped them. Behind each photo was a large red 'X'. I felt a cold chill wash over me as I felt sick to my stomach. There was a note stapled to the last picture, which read out one word. One word scary enough to liquify all the bones in my body.


Bloody Hell. They could have just written 'AVADA KEDAVRA THE BITCH!' instead, to make it more subtle.

I quickly stuffed the pictures back into the envelope and quickly put it back into his bag.

I needed to make a dash for it. Right away. I immediately got up and pushed my chair inside when Liam comes back in and looks at me in confusion and surprise.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Um, I just have to go the ladies, I'll be right back!" I said, faking enthusiasm, while I was shaking on the inside.


How the hell was I going to get myself out of this now?

I went into the bathroom making sure I was alone. I looked for any means of escape, but there was one minuscule window. What's the point of that?! I asked myself, disgusted.

I whipped out my cellphone and calling Nate.

It rang once, twice, thrice. No reply. I was about to end the call when he picked up just in time.


"Nate! Help me!" I whispered in panic.

"Nikki? What's the matter?" his voice was urgent.

"Oh, God, I'll explain later. I really need to get out of this place. I'm stuck in the bathroom. Liam's waiting for me, he expects me back soon! What am I going to do?" I said, nearly hyperventilating.

"Nikki, Nikki. BREATHE. Now, did you think about escaping through the bathroom window ?"

"NO, Nate, the thought never even OCCURRED to me!" I said, my voice scathing. I was getting more freaked by the minute. "There's a window, but it's too small."

"Well, ah, why don't you try to sneak out through a kitchen door or something? Get out of the bathroom, duck, make sure Liam doesn't see you. Get to the kitchen, that is where they make the coffee and bagels and stuff, and sneak out through the back door!"

I thought about it for a second. That could work.

Okay, I'll do that. Listen. Find Mr. Carter, and wait with him in his class room. If I'm not back in fifteen minutes, call me, okay?"

"Why Mr. Carter?"

"Just do it!"

I ended the call and carefully opened the door making sure the coast was clear.

I crouched down, ducked and furted my way into the kitchen. I don't think anybody noticed me. I was about to sneak of of there quietly, when a hand caught hold of my arm. Of all the people in the world it could have been, it was that flirty waitress, who had served us our drinks. She looked at me, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"What are you doing here?" she asked me, her voice cold.

"Ahh, well, see, Natasha, the thing is....my date is going too well, and plus, I think he's still there! So why don't you go and join him for coffee? Eh? It's a great idea! Here -" I held out twenty dollars. "It's on me. Just be....discreet about it, and if he asks where I went, tell him I had to urgently leave, and ahh, didn't have time to tell him, and I'll explain everything to him later!"

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