(17)Prom Night? More Like Horror Night.

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We were right by my bed when Taylor's taunting voice ran through the room. Me and Nate slowly spun around to look at Taylor. The dress that she had earlier looked so pretty and angelic in, had taken a hundred and eighty degree rotation. She now looked right down sinister. She calmly reached to the hem of her dress, revealing what seemed a be a very sharp knife. She took it out and observed it glint in the light. She shifted her focus to me and Nate standing there petrified.

"Well, well, well. Nate O'Riley. How much I'm going to enjoy killing you." she said, her luscious lipstick-ed lips forming a smirk.

"You can't kill him. You'd NEVER get away with it!" I said furiously.

"Ah ah ah, I'd watch the tone if I were you Morales. After all, let's not forget who has a knife here. And it won't take much evidence to prove it was Liam, you know. After all, I've been your best friend for ages. Nobody would ever suspect poor, innocent Taylor, who'd still be crying one month after the murder of her two best friends! No, no, no, all I need to do, is tell the police about Liam. After all, his parents work to counter whatever our country does. So pretty-boy Hemsway gets a lifetime imprisonment or even a death penalty, while all I have to do is put on a sad mask and sorry figure."

"You set this all up, didn't you? You set up an innocent boy, who was pulled into this, and still tried to help Nikki, even though his parents were against it?"said Nate quietly, his voice full of hate and fury.

"I am brilliant aren't I?" said Taylor with an annoyingly smug air of self-satisfaction.

"Taylor, please think about this..." I said softly, my voice shaking as much as my hands were.

Taylor blew up in a rage. "I have thought about it! More than enough! In fact, the two of you deserve it!" she screeched in fury.

"Tay-" I started to say.

"No! Shut the fuck up, Nikki! You know nothing! NOTHING! For ages, I suffered with you! Always in your shadow! NEVER did I have my own personality!I never shone at anything!"

"But then," she continued, her voice slowly softening. "Then you confessed you liked me Nate! I had never felt better. Finally, someone liking me, instead of it being Nikki all the goddamn time!" she said, spitting at my name.

"Taylor, why would-"

"Oh, shut up Nikki. No. Nate asked ME out. He like ME. Not you, but ME. And you just couldn't accept that, could you?! No! You always had to have the spotlight! No, you had to waver your charms on him, and make him like you instead! Just ONCE, would it kill you to let me have a guy?!"

I burst out laughing. "You think that I like Nate? Is THAT what this is about, Taylor? Because if it is, I suggest you put down the knife and stop acting stupid! Yeah, I like Nate. I love him. But like a brother!"

Taylor gave a scream of rage and hurtled towards me pushing me on the ground. She punched my nose. I gave a cry of pain. Nate gave a yell and came forward to help me. Taylor turned around and gave a menacing glare. She held the knife to my throat. "Get the fuck away from Nikki. Close the door, and lock it. MOVE!"

Nate gave me a pained look and went to close the door. He shut it and locked it.

Taylor gave a hollow laugh and got off me. She took out a rope and knotted his hands tightly together. She then advanced towards me tying my calves and ankles together.

"See what this has come to? 'Poor Taylor, Clueless Taylor, Dumb Taylor'. Well, Taylor's pretty fucking pissed about it, Nikki."

"Taylor, please, don't-"

I was cut off by a stinging blow to my face. And another. I received four more, in painful succession. I had no idea how Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox handled this. Ah, movies. If only this was a movie right now. I could feel my eyes starting to water in pain.

I am so fucked, I thought in desperation. Suddenly, there was a banging on the door.

"Open up! Liam! Nikki!" a male's voice rang out.

Taylor looked at Nate in fury. But before she could react, Nate made a dash and clumsily unlocked the door. Taylor was still holding the knife, poised right on my throat, it's tip toucjing my skin, and right then a tired and out of breath Mr. Carter entered. I breathed a sigh of relief. He witnessed the scene before him, flabbergasted.

He coughed and regained his composure.

He said in a strong and firm voice, "Taylor, please let go of Miss Morales. NOW. I hope you realize the gravity of the situation you are in."

She looked at him in fear.

Yes, yes, YES! I though in my head. I was saved. I was going to live. Everything was alright now.

However, hearing Mr. Carter's next words, my heart jumped into my throat.

"We were given specific orders not to kill them! Just injure or maim them! You bitch! You realized that you were on the verge of killing the girl?! If boss finds out, you know how much troble we'd BOTH be in?!"

Taylor was working alongside Mr. Carter! They were the agents that were posted to watch Liam!

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


Sadly, instead of devising up a brilliant mind, that was all that was going through my head.

"Well, what should we do now then, Ethan?" Taylor asked Carter.

"Obvious, isn't it? We drug them, knock them out, and take them to the Headquarters."

Taylor came towards me, while Carter advanced on Nate. I shrunk back in horror.

No, no, no, this can't be happening!

She came close to me with an injection needle in her hand. I scrambled back in panic. I felt around with my hand, for something, anything to help me out. She reached me quicker though, and caught hold of me tightly.

She leant forward slightly and gave a throaty laugh. "Revenge is sweet, Nikki Morales. Give it a few more hours and you'll soon be dead."

Suddely, my hand closed on something sharp. It pierced my skin painfully enough for my to realize that whatever this was, was my weapon against Taylor. I quickly drew out my hand to see what it was.

The mirror! The broken mirror from Devonne's compact case! The one that I had accidentally smashed and shoved under the bed!

I drew it out and quickly mustering all the force I had slashed at Taylor's face, so close to her eye. She let out a howl of pain, causing Carter to forget about Nate for a second. I took my second strike and stabbed her in the eye, as forcefully as I could. She let out another scream of pain. At last for good measure, I slashed at her throat. She dropped to her side. I think she fainted at shock, but right them Mr. Carter charged towards me. I cowered in fear.

"Nate, get out and get some help!" I yelled.

"Don't even fucking think about it!" yelled Carter, grabbing the fire extinguisher hanging in one corner of the room and giving Nate a mighty blow on the head. Nate eyes shut and he slumped to the floor.

Mr. Carter walked menacingly towards me. He raised the fire extinguisher high. I whimpered in fright.

It struck down on me with an amazingly painful force, and that was all I remembered until I blacked out.


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