(9) Homer Simpson boxers?! Who Would've Thought?

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I carefully opened the door and stepped inside. Hmm. So this is what the boy's dorm looks like. It was a typical guy's room. Clothes were strewn around and the beds were messy. The walls were adorned with pictures of Megan Fox and Pamela Anderson. A piece of chewed up bubblegum was on the floor. I sighed and shook my head.

Boys. Honestly.

I snapped back into attention realizing the task ahead. I needed to figure out Liam's bed. I went to the first bed. It was the only bed in the room which was neatly done. It was probably Dev's bed. Dev was from India. He had a sister too, Reena, who was a junior. He was sweet, and a little loco, if you know what I mean. I went on to the second one., but a pile of books all had the same name on them - Chris. I mentally sighed and went on to the fourth bed, knowing Nate slept in the third. I saw a suitcase, directly under the bed with the initials L.R.H.


I felt happy that I didn't have to figure out who was in the fifth bed. Although, obviously, it was Matt. He was really awesome, and freakishly tall. He was one of the best basketball players I knew.

I grabbed the suitcase and put it on the bed. I carefully unzipped it and proceeded to look at what was inside. A few books, couple of his button down shirts, a pair of Homer Simpson boxers (at which I giggled and shook my head), and finally, my eyes spotted a thick black folder. I took it out and opened it. I saw a couple of pictures of him. Him as a toddler, riding a bike. A black-and-white one of him sitting in a sandbox. One of him holding a Winnie The Pooh stuffed animal, laughing. I smiled.

Does this innocent little kid know that twelve years later he would be plotting to destroy the country and kill an innocent girl?

I found a few letters from his parents, they were all mostly the same, asking him how he was, to study hard and be safe. Standard parent letters. I found his laptop in the bag, set on the hibernate mode. I quickly started it up. Weirdly, there was no security or password.

This is too easy, I thought to myself.

Then, right before it went on to the normal screen homepage, with all the icons, it asked for a fingerprint scan. My first reaction was - What the hell is this crap?!

Then, suddenly, reruns of Sherlock Holmes, Charlie's Angels and Agent Cody Banks sprung to mind. I knew what I had to do. Taking a deep breath I went and picked up the disgusting piece of chewing gum off the floor and went back to the laptop. I stuck it where I was supposed to scan the finger. A previous impression of his print stuck to the gum, tricking the computer into thinking Liam's finger was there, and granted me access. I grinned  to myself in victory.

I felt like I had entered his own personal lair. Well, I kinda did. And I've never felt prouder. I saw that he had his email still on. I grinned.

Tsk, tsk, Liam. You should be more careful.

I proceeded to look into his email. I saw mostly junk and spam. Then I found one from his mother, I think.

From: jenH.9436@yahoo.com

To: liam_h94@gmail.com


Listen very carefully alright? You've already gotten the instructions from your father about what to do with that girl and her meddling friends. She's in too deep in this. Also, we've contacted the agents for more information. They've promised to keep an eye on you. Nothing will happen to you. Apart from Alex, others have died. The best part is that your defense hasn't even the slightest idea yet. Infact, the agents themselves did the job. And unless you want the girl to die under worse circumstances, say, like being tortured by the agents so badly, that death would seem like the best escape, I suggest you get a move on. The agents are keeping a very close watch. After all, they were bribed well. By the very best.

Mind you - 30th of the month.The day that all our months and years of hard work finally pay off. The Embassy's been planning this for a very long time. It's been precise and accurate with all the carefully thought out and well planned decisions. Do NOT screw this up now. Be careful.



Well, whatever part of me thought that Liam wasn't all that bad vanished.

What the heck was going to happen on the 30th?

 I was breathing heavily and suddenly I felt sick again. I closed the laptop and put everything in it's usual place, to make it seem like everything was normal and nobody had been in here since the boys had left that morning.

I exited, closing the door on my way out. I quietly went back to my dorm and crept back into bed.

Barely ten minutes later, Taylor burst in, looking angry. She looked surprised I was up.

"Tay, what's the matter?" I asked her, in a fake hoarse voice, since she still thought I was sick.

"You better get some kind of good stuff on Liam to get him locked away for ages!" she replied angrily.

"Woah there, Tay, what happened?"

"He actually had the gall and audacity to tell me 'Be careful.' in this totally creepy sinister way! Like he was planning my death or something!" she said, furious. "And you better take him to  prom and stab him to death while you're slow dancing!!"

My stomach turned over. I remembered what I'd read - about Liam wanting to not only kill me, but Nate and Taylor too. I didn't want to freak out Taylor anymore, so I remained silent.

"So how are you? Are you feeling better?" she asked, finally calming down.

I nodded my head and smiled at her. "Loads, actually. I actually think I'm free to go dress shopping for tomorrow!"

This definitely cheered her up. She straightened up and smiled widely at me. "Oh that's awesome! I found the cutest little store, they have this...."

I zoned out completely.

"Uhh, Nikki?" I was interrupted from my reverie by Taylor gently shaking me.

'Huh? What?" I asked stupidly.

"Liam's outside. He wants to talk to you." she said softly, but with a hint of disgust on her face when she mentioned his name. Like it left a bad taste in her mouth or something.

My heart stopped, and my face slowly drained of color. What does he want with me?

I slowly got out of bed and put on a dressing robe and stepped outside. He smiled with relief when he saw me.

'Nikki! How're you feeling?"

"Much better, thanks, Liam." I replied.

He looked at me and said, "Look, I don't know what happened at the date. I gues it was kinda awkward, and I totally get that you ditched-"

He was interrupted by my slowly grabbing his hand. No matter what, I had to create the illusion that I had no idea what was going on and that I was blissfully unaware of any matter around me.

"Look, Liam, that was my fault. I'm sorry. But are we still-"

He cut me off and ran a hand through his hair chuckling. "Yeah, we're still going to prom together, babe."

"Great!" I said forcing a smile. "By the way, when is it?"

He looked at me in incredulous surprise. "How do you not know? Every person, especially every girl knows when the prom is!"

"Well, I honestly don't know, Liam" I said, weakly laughing.

The bell rang, signalling that the next class was starting. He quickly turned around and began walking to his next class, forgetting to answer my question.

I shook my head and headed back inside the comfort of my dorm, until I heard a shout from Liam - "The prom's on 30th, by the way!"

My blood turned cold.


30th of this month.

'30th of the month.The day that all our months and years of hard work finally pay off.' I recalled from his email as I sat down on my bed numbly.


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