(18) Kissing Releases Tension.

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 I woke up groggily. Someone had roughly thrown a glass of water at my face and was now slapping me awake. I felt like everything around me was moving in fast forward and I was even slower in comparison. My mind felt fuzzy. I tried to move my hands, only to notice that they were tied together, just like my feet. I tried to  catch a glimpse of who had awoken me up, but all I got a shot of her back, walking towards the door. Whoever it was seemed to be on the short side with long blond hair. She was dressed completely in black leather. If I wasn't in this position, I would have passed her off as a biker chick. I groaned and leaned back in the uncomfortable chair. I looked around at my surroundings. I seemed to be in some kind of interrogation room? I couldn't make out a thing.

Suddenly, my mind went into full-on panic mode. Nate! Where was he? Did they leave him back in the dorm? Did they drag him here? Was he in the same state I was? My mind went working a nearly double-time mode. If something had happened to Nate.....

Suddenly, I heard the door, wherever it was, open with a bang. I winced at the sound. My head was splitting. I squinted to see who it was. Carter. I mentally groaned.

"Good evening, Miss Morales." he said with a grin.

I glared back at him. "Where's Nate?"

He nonchalantly waved his hand. 'Don't worry. He's being....well taken care of." he said, finishing off with a sinister smile.

I pulled myself forward, the ropes which were typing me up, digging into my skin. I yelled out in anger. "Where the fuck is Nate?! What did you do to him?! Tell me, goddammit!"

Carter just stood there, observing me with an amused  grin on his face. "My, my, such language, Ms. Morales.I never expected such words to come out of your pretty little mouth." he said chuckling.

"Well, I never expected that one of my favourite teachers and role models would try to kill me, so I guess, we're both even." I said, my voice dripping with rage.

He laughed. "Nikki, you always were a cheeky one. Who knew that one day it might lead to your demise?"

I simply growled in response. He tutted.

"Now, now, no need to get grumpy. After all, Nate's fate depends on your good behaviour now doesn't it?"

That sure shut me up at once. I simply glared at him and he simpered back.

Just then, another person entered the room. It was another man, tall and dark. He gave Carter a dark look and left almost immediately without saying a word. Carter observed him, thin creases of worry appearing on his face.

He turned back to me and gave another sick grin and left me. Suddenly I felt desperate. I began clawing, trying to get myself out.

"Get me out! Get me outta here!" Hot tears started leaking from the corners of my eyes.

"Please! Please let me go! Get me out!" my voice started cracking and growing hoarse.

I finally broke down. I had no idea what I was going to do. Tears streamed down my face. My nose began running and the best part was I couldn't even lift my hands to wipe my face because they were tied down. The door quietly opened again.

"Who is it? Finally come to finish me off? Do it then! Do it now, and get it done with!" I screamed out.

The person was wearing a hood. I couldn't make out the face. Heck, I didn't even know if this person was a guy or girl.

"Well?" I yelled. "Going to finish me off just yet? How? Knife? Rope? Cord? Smothering? Hurry up!" I yelled in frustration.

The person approached me. "Don't yell. Stop screaming now."

"Oh yeah? Why?" I said, lowering my voice a bit.

The stranger took off the hood and shook the hair from his face. "Nikki, please, stop yelling!" he said in frustration.

I stared open-mouthed in horror. Liam?!

He came a bit closer. He moved slowly and cautiously, like he was scared of me. I realized he had every right to be scared of me. My hair was probably wild, and have clumps of blood stuck to it.. My face would be red, covered with tears, snot, and smudged make up. My dress was torn and was covered in dirt.

He took out a piece of cloth from his jacket and gently wiped myy face. He tucked a few stray strands of hair on my face behind my ear. He ran his fingers gently through my hair, trying to get rid of a few clumps of hair clumped and clotted with blood. I turned away. He began working at the rope tying my wrist to the chair. A hard lump formed in my throat as I willed myself not to cry. I failed miserably as another wave of tears streamed down my face. Liam looked up and and a pained expression crossed his face. He wiped the tears off with his hand and went back to undoing the knots.

Once my left hand was free, he moved on to the right.

"Liam, I'm so -" I started to say.

"Forget it." he cut me off curtly.

"Won't you get into serious trouble for helping me?" I said, a tremble in my voice.

"Only if I'm caught." was his reply.

He moved on to my right leg, where he had more difficulty.

"Look, Liam, why are you doing this? You could get killed or tortured for helping me! And besides that, you hate me! That's why you went out with Jessica!"

He just remained silent.

"Liam, please tell me!"

He untied the knot on my left leg with ferocity. He finally looked at me.

"I never hated you. I could never, EVER hate you, Nikki. For a person who's figured out so much about a murder she know so little about, you're quite stupid about things right infront of you." he said chuckling.

He suddenly came very close to me. I gave a slight gasp of surprise.

"Relax, I'm just untying the knot those bastards actually tied around your stomach and abdomen."

I nodded slightly.

"By the way," he said, still untying, "Did I mention that you look gorgeous today?" The knot untied.

"You mean look-ED  gorgeous." I said with a hollow laugh, standing up.

He looked right into my eyes. "No, Nikki. I mean look. You've always been pretty, but today, you were honestly beautiful."

I started to say something but was cut off with his lips pressing against mine.

He finally looked at me. "I love you. And I hope-"

And this time, he shut up, because of my lips crashing on to his. I felt all my thoughts and tension drain away.

One thing I definitely learned: Kissing releases tension. Who knew?


This one's for @randombutoneofakind. You are THE best :*

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