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"I have failed you once beautiful. I promise that I won't let that happen ever again. I promise you my diamond." He whispered in my ears as he moved his head and placed it beside my head so he wouldn't hurt me as he leaned it onto the bed instead.

I never thought that I would have some expectations from him however I was wrong. Totally wrong. I unknowingly expected him to take care of me. The way he did it before I asked about it made me think that he eventually would take care of me but oh boy I was wrong. Totally wrong. And as for your promises I don't know if I ever will be able to trust on promises. Because a promise can easily be broken.

"I know that you are angry and you have all the rights to be but please talk to me, precious." He whispered however I tried to pull my hand away from him and closed my eyes not wanting to look at him.

I felt the tears stream down my eyes. Do I really have the right to be angry upon you? When I choose to do as you told me I came in this state. I wonder what will happen if I am mad at you. But I know for a fact that I want to heal physically first before anything else.

I remember when the receptionist lady who are my nurse came in and told me that you have arrived and was looking for me desperately I didn't wanted to face you. I can barely talk right now. The only thing I can do is feel the pain my body is aching with. Feel the pain that are raising inside my heart, however I can't because I am not able to do it. I don't know what these feelings are for. The things Ahsaan bhai told me they just make me confused.

At first I decided to come on this mission to get information for my family. The two of them are my family and I would do anything to help them, but now I am not back because I want to help them. This time I want answers. Answers for everything you have done to me and answers for everything that has happened.

I want to ask him what is means to be 'United By Chance'?

I want the answer to the most important question and which is the most precious question to me. I want to know if he knows something about me he shouldn't know. What if he knows about the secret I have kept for years?

Right now I don't know if he knows it or not. At first I need to find out if he knows it and then decide what to do and what not to do. One mistake and everything will go wrong. I am not even sure if he knows anything yet or if he doesn't even know about it. If I mistake him for knowing it and then spill it out and it turns out he didn't know then I will be gone.

Naira after everything you want from him then why does it feel like he really cares? The way he understood that you don't want to go back to that house again it was understandable. I didn't say anything he just promised me that he won't take me back there, never ever again.

The ambulance stopped and I came out of my thoughts and I looked around to see where we were as soon as the ambulance doors opened and Waheed got out, however the two other guys came which made my gulp the lump in my throat. I felt my heartbeat quicken as I remembered the scenario that happened a week ago. The more they got near me the more panic I felt coming and it wasn't getting any better as I couldn't say anything, however I sighed in breathe when I heard Waheed stopping them as he made them back off and helped me instead by picking me up bridal style which made me tightening my grip on his shirt as he got of the ambulance. I took in my surrounding and found myself in front of an indescribable mansion which was huge. It seemed like it had three floors however the thing that caught me the most was the interior. It was so beautiful. I didn't realise that I had placed my head on Waheed's chest until I could hear his unsteady heartbeats which came out like a melod-. No what am I thinking?

The pain and soreness that was going through my body and brain made me tired and I didn't realise when I fell asleep in his arms as he walked inside with the nurse behind him.

AN ADORABLE SOUL (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now