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I could hear small mufflings coming from behind the walls where there was darkness. I took steps forward and saw that my shadow was visible on the other wall and a moment later I saw another shadow behind me standing with a gun.

I gulped down a lump in my throat before using my reflect to turn around and move to the side before the person shoots me. When I turned around I shot the person right on the spot however I felt a pinching sensation on my arm and soon something warm yet wet oozed out of my arm which made me fall to the ground.

"ALI" I heard my angel's scream.

"A-liha" I whispered while taking a hold on my wound.

"NOOOO ALI, P'LEASE" She screamed and that's when I felt someone standing in front of me with a gun in hand.

"Please, Ibrahim don't. I beg you" I heard Aliha cry.

"Ah, I see. He is the one you gave your heart too. Am I right?" He asked laughing.

"Now I will give you the pleasure to see your only love die in front of you" He said and I looked towards Aliha who was tied with a robe but I hurriedly looked the other way when I saw her ripped top.

Anger filled inside me.

"You know, she rejected ME, IBRAHIM. WHY? Because of YOU" He said pointing the gun at me.

"Please don't" She cried.

"Now you will pay" He said pointing the gun at me and went on to pull the trigger. He looked towards Aliha once which I took as an opportunity and kicked him hard on his shinbone which made him fall to the ground and the gun out of his hand. I went to him and punched him in the face.

"You dared to touch her" I said punching him with my other arm right in the face.

"You hurt her" I said punching him again.

"You made her cry" I said punching him in the stomach.

"YO-" I said while punching him when he took my fist in his hand and pushed me away.

"ALI" Aliha screamed scared if something would happen to me. I looked towards her and saw her trying to open the rope.


"YO-" Ali said while punching Ibrahim however he took Ali's fist in his hand and pushed him away.

"ALI" I screamed scared if something would happen to him. Looking at them and the blood oozing out of Ali's arm my eyes caught the side of Ali's gun that was next to me. I tried to reach it but couldn't.

I then tried to get free of the ropes Ibrahim had tied me with but couldn't.

"Ali, why have you tied my hands up with ropes?" I asked laughing and he smiled.

"Try to get free from them, angel" Ali said passing me a lovely smile.

I can't I said after a lot of efforts. "Take a deep breathe and exhale it while you pressurize your wrists against the rope and it will loose easily." He said looking me in the eyes and I did as he told me.

"I did it" I said running towards him who had opened his arms for me, only me. "You did it." He said kissing my head.

"AAHH" I heard Ali's painful groan when the realization hit me and I came back to reality. I used the same technique he taught me but it didn't work. I tried again but it didn't work.

AN ADORABLE SOUL (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now