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Our life can be really unfair sometimes. Right when you think that you have achieved the ONE thing you came in this world for, you get to know that the thing you thought that you have achieved isn't a thing of achievement. It's only an honor you're allowed to spend some beautiful moments with before it get's taken out of your own hands and becomes a nightmare for you. It breaks you in all the possible ways there are not only because the one you love get's taken away but because the people you trusted the most let you down too.

Who wants to be happy without acceptance from the family? No one!

Although my family never accepted my choice I still have a different situation. The one person I love tells me that he doesn't want it anymore but my heart tells me otherwise, and the heart never lies.

I let my fingers slide on the piano letting out my emotions while a tear escaped my eyes remembering the day I lost everything that I had. The one thing that made me the one I was.

Being away from him for years wasn't easy and it doesn't make it any easier that I am under the same roof as him yet away from him.

The way he rescued me that day I saw it in his eyes, the concern, the care, the desperation everything was there for me however he denies it.

Another tear escaped.

Why did he keep telling me that there are nothing between us? Why did he do it to me? Why me? Why didn't he gave me a reason for letting me go? My heart has been and still is beating for him but I know that he never would come back to me.

I have always wanted an answer for one question that are eating me alive, no it's burning me alive. He told me that he doesn't want the relationship between us anymore but what about his feeling for me? Was he forced to let go of me? Didn't he feel that I was the one for him?

I have so many unanswered question that I want answers for before I shut down everything that are keeping me alive.

Wiping my tear I played the melody "Why me?" and tried to forget the pain and the questions of why it was me.

I don't know how long I played till I felt a presence behind me. I looked up at the full moon out of the window and denied to look behind me because I knew who it was. The fragrance of him is something I never would forget even if I died.

Aliha you can't show him that you are hurt. Just try to act normal like nothing happened. But what if he asks about the phone call, before I got kidnapped?

I played the last part thinking that he eventually would walk away but I felt eyes on me the whole time. I stopped playing when I was done and slowly wiped away the tears that I had shed before turning around to walk away or face him.

What should I do walk away or face him? Face him Aliha and ask the question you always wanted an answer to or let it go?

I decided to face him so I took in a deep breathe before turning around to face him. I was right it was him who was looking at me. I looked into his eyes for I don't know how much time before I decided to look down as I was hurt to find nothing in them. They were empty there was nothing in his eyes that could tell if he loved me or not.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me and I looked up at him and nodded my head while I felt an unwanted tear rolling down my eyes without permission and I hurriedly wiped it away.

"Aliha" he said as I was going to walk away when he stopped my by taking a hold on my wrist as I was passing him who was leaning against the door frame.

AN ADORABLE SOUL (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now