You're a witch/wizard xx

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Dedicated to ILoveHazza12 and alonceknight (hope i got ur names right)

Luke: "Why are you holding a stick?" You look up from your wand laying in your hands to look at Luke. "It's not just any stick, Luke," you start to say, "it's a magical one." "Okay, now your just starting to sound ridiculous," he says crossing his arms and looking at you in disbelief, "it's just a stick." "Would a stick be able to do this?" You swing your wand in circles causing it to snow in the living room. "What the-?" He exclaims placing his hand out allowing the snowflakes to delicately fall onto his palm, melting immediately. "What else can your stick do?" He asks looking at you. You wave the wand around again. Luke looks around to try and find what happened. He sees his stuffed penguin walking towards him raising its little arms up saying "quwank." Luke looked down at it picking it up by its sides. "Quwank," it said again. "Oh my god," Luke says as the little penguin wraps its cute arms around him giving him a hug. You smile at the sight in front of you. "How did you do that, y/n?" He asks you. "Magic," you say wiggling your fingers in front of your face. He laughs pulling you in for a hug, "you're amazing." "Quwank." You laugh looking down at the penguin in between your bodies.

Ashton: You're mopping up the kitchen after you dropped a bowl of chili onto the floor by accident. At the same time the sponge in the sink is scrubbing the pot by itself under your power. Your music blasting out of your phone until you start getting an upcoming call. You leave your mop standing and cleaning on its own as you walk over to your phone and answer it. "Hello," you answer. "You will die in seven days," you hear on the other line. "Harry? Is that you? If this is your way of trying to scare me to get away from your brother it's not gonna work," you say into the phone. You can hear him mumble "dammit" under his breath. You chuckle hanging up. Turning back around to grab the mop again you see Ashton staring at it and the sponge as they continue to move. You make the stop moving immediately making the sponge fall into the sink and the mop fall to the ground in a loud clatter. "Was that mop just moving on its own or was it just me?" He asks looking down at the lifeless mop on the floor. "It wasn't just you..." You say. "Then what was it?" You take his hand making him sit down on a nearby chair and explain everything to him how you were a witch and all. "But why aren't you green with a big nose?" He asks. You laugh, "that's just a stereotype, honey." "This is all just a crazy dream... I know it." You grab his face in your hands and kiss him hard and passionately. "If this was a dream you'd be awake by now."

Calum: "Hey, y/n? What's this?" Calum asks holding up your wand, "are you like a Harry Potter fanatic?" You laugh, "haha not really." "Then you won't need this anymore," he says holding the stick in both hands about ready to snap it in half. "It's unbreakable," you tell him with a smirk on your face. "We'll see about that." He starts to try and break it but you can see him struggling. Calum groans in frustration as it would not snap. Your wand starts to float in the air hitting Calum on the head before gently setting down in your hands. "The fuck?" Calum exclaims rubbing his head where the stick had hit him. "He doesn't like it when other people touch him," you explain. "HE??" He looks at you surprised. You star to fold the wand until it is small enough to place in your pocket. Calum started touching your face lifting the hair from you forehead rubbing rubbing the skin. "Uhmm... Calum? What are you doing?" You ask him looking at his hands in confusion. "Just checking your forehead for any scars, that's all," he says continuing to search your forehead. You laugh swatting his hands away, "I'm not Harry Potter. Geez." He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, "sorry, babe," he says starting to fix your hair back to what it was.

Michael: "Michael?" You call wondering where your boyfriend is. You can hear profanities coming from the kitchen and the fire alarm going off. You run to the kitchen seeing the kitchen stove in flames and Michael trying to put out the fire with one hand holding a towel and the other close to his chest. You gasp, "MICHAEL!!" He looks at you with fear in his eyes, "Y/N!! CALL FOR HELP!" You throw your hand in front of you towards the fire, it goes out instantly. Michaels sighs then winces in pain. You stumble towards him grabbing his burnt hand, "Babe, are you okay?" You ask him examining his wounds. He squirms and groans when you try to turn his hand over. "It hurts," he says a single tear going down his face. You kiss the burns, he starts to wiggle his fingers. "It doesn't hurt anymore. How'd you-? The fire, it's gone." You place a finger to his lips shushing him gently as you wipe away his tear. "It's all good now," you assure him. He quickly pulls you into a hug. Michael starts to talk into your hair as you warm up to his embrace, "I could have lost you if that fire got any bigger, I tried to make pizza and just ruined everything. I'm sorry." "There's no need to worry anymore, Michael babe, it'll be alright," you say into his chest. He sighs again kissing the crown of your head.

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