Chapter 6 : Unlocking Origin

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Zeref [POV]

It was 2 in the morning and I felt something wrapped around my chest . Alarmed I woke up and realized it was Lucy . Four weeks have passed and we had developed a routine .

Lucy began to stir and wake up . As she became more alert her bright red eyes adjusted to look at me . "Morning Zeref-kun" she said while smiling .

My heart did a weird thing and skipped a beat . "Morning Lucielle" I said ignoring the fact of what my heart did .

"I'll be out in five minutes , so get out"Lucy said while trying to get me off the bed .

"Or we can both change here" I said smirking at her .

"Baka" she yelled giving me her famous Lucielle kick successfully getting me out the room .

After we both changed we headed to the clearing in which was considered training grounds . Lucy than started doing her laps , push-ups , sit-ups and jump routines . 2 hours have passed and I decided it's time for her to meditate .

"Princess it's time to meditate and unlock your origin . Today is the day" I said coldly . I knew if i gave her that attitude she will pull through and prove me wrong .

"Tch okay" she yelled starting her meditation .

Three hours later , all the dark energy in the forest clearing was being sucked in by Lucy . All of a sudden she started glowing a dark grey and out before me was her true origin form .

The most sexiest person I've ever seen stood before me . I was beyond shocked .

"I did it Zeref" Lucielle said in a deadly cold voice.

"Congrats....princess" I said matching her tone of voice as well .

"Dark Rupture" Lucielle said making the whole clearing explode everywhere except me and her .

" u know any other spells" I asked .

"Yeah my demon taught me other spells when I finished battling her " Lucy replied .

"Tell me about the battle " I said clearly curious . Most demons don't teach them any spells at all . I should know since I create them .

"Well when I was meditating I got lost and ended up in the same room as before . This time I felt the urge to grab the cube and crush it so that's what I did . When that happened I felt my magic opening and seeping through me was a different type of magic but it was really faint . Than my demon stood before me and asked if I wanted more power than I would have to pass the test . So basically I used the practice of my dark orbs to destroy a decoy of herself . It was difficult but I came up with a plan also using my celestial magic . The end results gave me my powers . My demon was impressed so she gave me the knowledge of spells using memo-hit magic . So now I know the spells . She also gave me a drop of her blood in which I had to drink . She than gave me her marking in my chest ." Lucy said exasperated .

"Fascinating . What a interesting demon . You must be tired so let's get some sleep " I said .

"Thank you for pushing me and believing in me " Lucy said walking over to me hugging me .

"Anything for you princess~ " I half-joked hugging her back .

We both headed home and when we entered our house streamers were everywhere .

"Surprise" yelled all of Lucy's spirits .

"Oh my gawd . What's all this for" Lucy yelled .

"Princess you completed your demon magic" Virgo said in her monotone voice . "Is it punishment time princess".

I laughed and smirked . Soon all the spirits joined as well .

"Your shining knight in armor is proud of you" Loke said giving a kiss to Lucy's hand .

"Finally you got a boyfriend even if he is the most wanted Mage in Fiore" Aquarius said while smirking .

"He is not my boyfriend" Lucy yelled and dark energy swirled around her . She was now in her demon form . "Do I make myself clear" Lucy said while wrapping dark mist chains around Aquarius body . Mostly all the spirits  were cowering in fear .

"Yes" Aquarius squeaked clearly scared for herself .

"How come Aquarius gets punishment time hime" Virgo said .

I laughed again . Lucy calms down as I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to my chest .

"Next time" Lucy said while smirking .

We partied til midnight and soon Lucy felt tired . I carried her to the bedroom and laid her down . I was about to walk our when she told me to stay . So I did and she fell asleep Rather quickly . Since I've been with her my powers haven't activated . I wonder why . With that thought I fell asleep wondering what the next day will give us .


Sorry for not updating soon . Got caught up in school and other things . Hope you like this chapter . Comment below if you want . Peace


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