Chapter 3 : Finding the Truth

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Lucy [POV]

I still can't believe the dark wizard accepted to train me even though I barely met him . It was worth a shot to try and look what happened . Zeref is now my sensei and I am his apprentice .

Right now I just noticed that Zeref is staring at me . This made me feel uncomfortable so I shifted from leg to leg .

"What's wrong Zeref-kun" I asked him politely . Though in the inside I felt like his red piercing eyes were staring right at my soul . We haven't moved an inch from where we were during the whole incident .

Zeref kept staring until his face turned to one of shock . "Your half demon and half goddess" he said still looking shocked .

"What ??!!! My mom is a celestial wizard and my dad , Jude , wasn't a Mage . How am I a goddess or demon????" I yelled at him .

"Your mother , Layla , is the elemental goddess and your father was one of my most powerful demons that controlled my army . He left because he had a child with that woman . I sensed his magic and your moms in you . Jude isn't your biological father." He replied calmly .

  "I .....I can't believe it" I said still processing it over .

"Your father is Ryan and your mother is Layla . You just unsealed your powers after being betrayed and feeling hatred towards the people who did that" Zeref said looking zone out .

Zeref [POV]

This was Lucille , Ryan's daughter . I promised him before he died that I would take care of his daughter . Though I was angered that he left , he still had a responsibility of taking care of the child . It was suicide in a way to have the child . The demon king killed him . Ryan was the second in command for demon king . He broke the law with having a child with a goddess .

I been zoned out for awhile . Let see how she is taking it . Oh for heavens and hells sake she is crying . Ahhhhhh!!!!! I don't know what to do .

'Hug her stupid'

Ah my brain can think of good ideas when I'm blank . 😂😂😂

Lucy [POV]

While Zeref was zoned out I broke down . Everything that I lived ........was all .......fake . What the hell ?

Who the hell was I living with than ? I am a demon and goddess . Woah everything is swarming at me and all I could do is cry .

All of a sudden Zeref hugged me awkwardly . Hehehehe.......Somebody is not use to hugging others or being hugged .

I calmed down once his arms wrapped around my waist and his scent of forest pine took in my senses . I'm glad I have somebody by my side though I barely know him . It's better than being alone . I hugged him back and smiled .

"Lucy .....I mean Lucille let's go find a place to start your training . I'll teach you dark spells and demon transformation . From there I can teach you demon slaying magic and other things" Zeref said softly .

I nodded and let go of him . Eventually we found a clearing in the forest .

"Gate of the maiden , I open thee , Virgo" I chanted softly . "Can u make a little house for Zeref and me" I said .

"What !!!!! Hime..... What are you doing with Zeref !!!!!!! what happened to your Fairy Tail mark . Ahhhhhh what happened to your appearance . You look different " Virgo shouted with her face paling with concern .

"Fairy Tail betrayed me and left me to die . Ima get my revenge and I just learned That I somehow had unsealed power inside me" I told Virgo in a cold unfamiliar tone .

Virgo looked at Zeref and than me for 5 minutes . All of a sudden she started working and finished the house . Now she was putting the finishing touches .

Zeref just stared at awe as it was his first time in awhile seeing a celestial spirit . I laughed seeing his reaction and interest .

"Tch got a problem with me since your laughing at me " Zeref remarked rudely .

"Awwiiieee is it the first time in awhile that Zer-bear saw a celestial spirit in action" I said teasingly .

"Who you calling a Zer-bear , princess" said Zeref angered at his nickname .

"Who you calling princess" I said with a tick mark in my forehead .

"Princess the house is finished . Punishment time" Virgo asked in her monotone voice .

All of sudden Zeref starting laughing . "Never knew that the princess is a sadistic tyrant . That's hot 😂😂". Zeref said still laughing .

Than Virgo started laughing with him . My face flushed with embarrassment .

"Force Gate Closure : Virgo don't forget to tell the others . Thank you for your work"I say quickly .

Zeref and I than walked to the house and were amazed . We both showered and went to our rooms . Than we both fell asleep knowing that the next few weeks will be tiring .


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