Chapter 1 : Left Behind

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Lucy [POV]

Have you ever felt like you never belonged to a certain place ? That you are "unwanted" since your "different" from the rest . Though they say they would never "betray or hurt" you , they still do it anyways . Temporary Happiness or should I say fake happiness was what they gave me . The truth is that the place I thought would accept me truly didn't accept me at all .

Here I was left behind and abandoned like I was a nobody . Despite the fact that we have been together through the thick and thin . Never in my life have I felt this shattered and broken . How did I end up like this ?


"Lusshhheeee" said Happy flying at my chest in super speed .

"Hey Luce . Let's go on a mission" Natsu said smiling .

"Alright Natsu . Can I get my stuff than ? I'm assuming you already picked the mission " I tell him .

"Yeah let's go . YOSH IM ALL FIRED UP " yelled Natsu carrying me bridal style all the way to the apartment . I blushed at his actions .

I grabbed my stuff which I already had packed and we both walked to the train station after . There I saw Erza and Gray siting on a bench .

"Hey Lucy . You ready to go " said Gray smiling at me .

"Yeah" I replied smiling back .

"Alright now that everyone is here let's board the train . It leaves in 3 minutes" said Erza .

"Hai" we all replied in unison . For we did not want to be in the wrath of the 'Great Titania' .

As soon as the train started moving Natsu felt sick . I pulled his head to my lap and started playing with his hair . He relaxed than fell asleep . Our stop came and I woke up Natsu .

"So it says here that we are suppose to meet up with the mayor of the town . Than defeat some demons in which range from level 1 to S-class demons" said Erza unfazed .

I trembled slightly but Natsu gave me a reassuring squeeze in the shoulder . Than he mouthed 'it will be okay' giving me his signature grin . I felt better and relaxed .

The mayor told us the details and we headed to the forest in which the demons were supposedly last seen . The demons than appeared and I had gotten separated from the others .

"Gate of the lion , Leo I open thee" I chanted . "LOKE help me defeat the demon"I yelled .

We fought side by side but than the demon chanted a spell in a unknown language . I was cut and pierced in the skin .

Loke disappeared to the spirit world after defeating the S-class demon who hurt me . Than level 1 demons started to gang up on me . I couldn't fight since my body was bleeding and I was severally injured . Than TeamNatsu Natsu found me .

"I hope you die , Lucy . Than I can finally be with Lis without worrying that the guild will not like my decision . You probably used your spirits as a shield right now because you are too weak to protect yourself" said Natsu with a emotionless face . That shattered my heart . My best friend who took me to Fairy Tail , my dream guild , was calling me weak . I thought we were nakama/family . No matter how strong or weak we are , we will be accepted to the guild . Guess I was wrong .

"Natsu is right . I mean you are the weakest member of Fairy Tail . The whole guild knows it and we were thinking of kicking you out . Your useless and you never a part of the family " said Gray . I couldn't believe it . The person I thought of as a older brother agreed with Natsu . I thought I contributed just as much as the guild . We fought side by side and took on many enemies in front of us . Fairy Tail thought I was weak . How could family do that ?

"The boys are right . We are suppose to be the strongest team in Fairy Tail and you are our weakest link . You bring shame to the team and guild . How could you call yourself a member ?" Said Erza . My role model and older sister ......also agreed with the rest . My heart shattered taking what all three said .

"So you guys were just pretending to 'like' me . Why let me join the team than ? " I said weakly . With my injuries I think I might die in a few minutes .

"We just felt bad for you . That's why we let you join . I actually did consider you family but than I saw what a weak pathetic Mage you are and how you manipulate us " said Natsu . With that Team Natsu left .


I looked up seeing the trees and sky . I never felt so shattered in my whole entire life despite my past . This was the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious . I smiled knowing that I will join my 'Mama and Papa' in heaven .


Thanks for those who read my story . Please comment below for any advice or suggestions for the story .


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