Stydia|| The Death Of Allison Argent.

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Stiles walked in. The air seemed cold and empty and even if you took a breath it'll seem like it will have a repetitive echo.

His eyes flickered to her led on the bed...she stared at the wall with lifeless and heavy eyes. Her chest risen and fell with every step Stiles took to the chair at the side of her bed. Although, her eyes didn't wander once.

"Hey." Stiles whispered, his voice cracked and his sympathetic eyes drilled into her softly.

Her eyes stayed still.

He took a seat in the squeaky chair and leant forward to grab her hand.

No movement, no sign from contact.

Looking at her made him feel weak. He was scared that if he spoke a whisper, his voice will crack and he'll just break down. She looked...broken. Like a broken toy waiting to be put back together.

"This might be the most stupidest thing that's ever came out of my mouth, and that's saying something, but, I hope you're okay." Stiles said, looking back down at her. His thumb ran over her hand, the electricity send his heart to pulse rapidly. His adrenaline radiated just by her touch.

She turned her head to look at him and he swore he felt his stomach drop to his feet.

"Hey there." He chuckled, though she just carried on looking at him. After a couple of minutes, she turned to face the other wall, the opposite side of Stiles. He didn't care, he was still smiling from that small, little look.

"Hi." She whispered. Stiles head jolted up and his eyes nearly popped out with surprise. She turned to face him again and forced a small smile. So small no stranger would consider it to be an actual formed smile.

"You okay?" Stiles asked. He swallowed the formed lump that was in his throat, making his mouth water and eyes fixed on her now small movements. It's like she was taking steps, little steps at a time.

"No." She replied.

"I'm so sorry, Lydia. I feel like...I feel like I'm the one to blame."

Lydia quickly sat up and looked at him with a furrowed expression.

"Don't say that, Stiles. Don't you ever say that." Lydia shouted, causing Stiles to slump in his chair like a little boy who just got a scolding off of his mother. "You wouldn't be there if I wasn't taken by the nogitsune..."

"You know it wasn't your fault." Stiles said, taking his thumb and slid it across her cheek where a tear let lose and ran a trail down her rosy cheeks.

"And you know it wasn't yours." Lydia replied, holding his hand that was placed on her face. She scooted closer to the edge of the bed to be near him. The room was evidentially cold and his body heat was radiating from how nervous he actually was. Lydia started crying, sobbing even. Trying to catch breaths as she sniffed harshly. Stiles moved from the chair to her bed, sitting up and cuddling her in with one arm as the other rested on her knee. "I just miss her so much."

"I know." Stiles croaked, feeling his nose go all tingly. But he held it in, he wanted to be strong for her. "I know, I miss her too."

"There was this one time," Lydia started, "It was just me and Allison in the car driving to the movies, and it was after a certain situation happened, I started feeling...differently towards someone. I don't know, at the time I thought I was just losing my mind." Her tongue went to her bottom lip to lick the stray tear that sat there. "She tolled me, that it's not a crime to love what you cannot explain. And I'll have that in my head forever. Because she was always there to guide me what I really wanted to do, but I could never bring myself to do those things, no matter how much I wanted it. She would make me do these things that I was afraid of doing just to make me get over the silly shit in life so I can just be completely and totally happy."

"That's Allison for you." Stiles smiled, kissing Lydia on the head softly. He inhaled her scent and a tear fell down his face.

"Sh, I'm not done." Lydia shunned him, slapping his knee.

"Oh. So there's a moral to the story?" Stiles teased, lifting his eyebrow and nudging Lydia a little. She still didn't smile.

"Yeah, now shut up and listen." Lydia said, turning and letting go of his grasp to face him a little more. "You were always this love struck boy to me, I don't know what it was. I felt flattered with the attention and I took it for granted. But, once I got to know you...I realised you were a man in love. And that's all a girl could want. It's like, you've been right in front of my nose the whole time, and I finally saw you and thought, I've been looking for you. I've been looking for you because you are the only man who has ever made me feel loved, and beautiful and worth it. I felt like I needed to have a boyfriend to be some one. Be popular, but let's face it that's the one that isn't gonna slide. But now I know that I could just be me. I don't need a man to be someone."

"Lydia, what are you-"

"Stiles, stop interrupting me or I will never fulfil Allison's one demand to me that I promised her I will do." Lydia said, fidgeting and wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "I'm in love with you. But I will never, ever be worthy of you. It's like you're the universe and I'm just that small fraction of a star, being in pain just so that you can be genuinely happy. You need happiness, Stiles. You need a girl who can look past all your flaws, all your nervous ticks and just see you. I love you." Lydia said. "And it's because I love you, I can't be selfish and I have to let you be you. And let you love who ever you want. I'm in love with you."

Stiles looked at her for a moment, with absolute compassion in his eyes. He leant forward slowly and connected his lips to hers. Her stomach dropped as it felt as if it were a butterfly enclosure. She smiled as she pulled away, though she leant forward again and kissed him one more time. It was completely passionate and full of absolute love and desperation. 

"I love you too."

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