Stydia|| Dead Body.

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"Stiles?" Lydia spoke down the phone. Her voice sounded like she was shivering as she sniffed a little. She's saw plenty of dead bodies in the past, but this was different. Too gruesome.

The body lay flat as his throat was ripped apart along with his stomach nearly being inside out. His face had a horrifying look in his eyes as they were still open; probably from shock.

"This is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message."

"Damn!" Lydia cussed, hanging up and ringing once more.


"I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?"


Flashback over.

Lydia groaned as he wouldn't answer any of the 20 calls she's delivered.

She tried one more time for luck, though she kept getting that same, damn annoying voice mail.

"Hey, this is Stiles and you-"
"Hey, this is Sti-"
"Hey, th-"

Lydia turned that one more time into 4 more times. She scratched her head as she dialled 911, reluctant to hit the green call button.

Though, she didn't have a choice.


Lydia sat in the police station, the sheriffs jacket was wrapped around her shoulders as she sat on that same damned bench, looking at the same damned chipped floor.

The place was all too familiar. She nearly got shot here, nearly bled out, got her throat slashed. Shall I go on?

The place smelled the same, a little leathery but mixed with body spray and determination. It smelt of Stiles, Lydia was pretty sure him and the sheriff wore the same aftershave.

That mint smell, although it was musky and light. It wasn't too overbearing like half of the seniors do in Beacon Hills High. No, he was different. Completely, and totally different.

Lydia turned her head as she heard the sheriff enter.

"Lydia. Wanna go lay down in my office? It's gonna be a long night and you still need to give a statement." The sheriff said, helping Lydia to her feet.

"Are you sure?" Lydia asked.

"Of course I am." He chuckled as he led her to the red leather couch in his office. He shut the blinds as he handed her a thick, red blanket he kept draped over the couch. He spent long nights there too.

"Thanks." Lydia smiled. The sheriff smiled back, as she exited the small office and shut the door quietly.

Lydia led down, her bear skin from her skirt jumped a little as the cold leather made contact though she got used to it. She put the blanket over herself as she led down, resting her head on the arm rest.


Lydia woke when someone pushed a small strand of hair out of her eye, she knew who it was anyway.

The one person that would do such a gesture. The all too familiar scent and that little spark Lydia ignores every time his skin only grazed hers.

Lydia opened her eyes slowly. Stiles was knelt down so he could be at eye level with her, he was staring at her silently. When she noticed him, he smiled a warm smile that melted Lydia's heart.

"Hey." Stiles said, voice cracking at how quiet he's trying to be. The office was nearly pitch black, though they could see each other clear as day.

"I tried to call you first. You tolled me to call you first when I find a dead body, but you didn't answer." Lydia said, pulling the blanket up over her shoulder. She felt vulnerable. Like, if she looked at him for more than half a second her walls would collapse around her.

Although, he's already broken down almost all of it.

"I'm so sorry, Lydia. Malia kept me. I was helping her study."

And there it was, that's what caused Lydia to have a melt down. Her skin became hot as she started to feel irritated. She didn't want him within her company anymore. Her stomach dropped as she felt like a brick just got thrown at her face.

"Huh." Lydia replied. She turned around on the couch so she was facing the back of it and her back was facing Stiles. 

"Lydia? Why are you so upset?" Stiles asked as he reached out and put his hand in her back. Lydia jolted it off of her, though he still remained knelt.

"I need to take a nap before your dad needs me for the statement. Leave me alone."

"Lydia." Stiles said.

"I'm sure Malia needs your help. You know, 2+2 and stuff." Lydia replied bluntly.

"That's what it is. It's Malia." Stiles said, finally standing. Lydia whipped the blanket off of her and stood with him. They could only see each other faintly.

Stiles could still make out her messy bed hair.

"Yes! She's replacing me, don't you see it! I needed your help, I was doing what you asked me too and you didn't answer me Stiles. Before her, you'd check up on me all the freaking time. Now, now you never have time for me. You've left me, I have no one but you and Scott and now I only have Scott." Lydia said, poking him harshly in the chest.

"Lydia. No one is replacing you." Stiles said, grabbing her arms.

"Well, she's sure is. And you're sure blind if you can't see that." Lydia said, sitting back down in the couch.

Stiles stood not knowing what to do.

"Lydia no one can replace you. I-"

"You what Stiles?!" Lydia asked furiously, standing to her feet for the second time.

That's when he cracked. He grabbed her face and kissed her with such force. It wasn't like their first kiss in the locker room. Passionate and gentle. No. this was the opposite.

This was want. Need. Desperation. They were desperate for each other, and in the end...they always will be.

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