Stydia|| Overprotective Dad.

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         "Mom, Dad, I'm having a friend over tonight." The preppy teenager said. Her strawberry blond hair bounced as she walked down the spiral staircase and her hazel eyes fluttered.

"Cool sweetie, who is she?" Lydia asked, waiting at the bottom of the stair case for her daughter to descend. She pecked her cheek as she then exited to the kitchen with her daughter following closely behind.

"Actually, it's a he."

Stiles choked in his coffee as he coughed several times. His eyes went wide as his jaw hung low.

"A-boy? Like a boy boy? Not a girl?" Stiles stuttered, standing up from the kitchen island and joined Lydia's side as he looked down at his perfect little creation.

"Dad, I'm 15." Allison rolled her eyes at her dads attitude. They didn't know whether she got that from either Lydia or Stiles. They're both the sassiest people in Beacon Hills.

"Yeah, 15 years young." Stiles lifted his eyebrow.

"Well, I'm exited. Is he coming straight after school or?" Lydia asked, walking over to her lunch and passing it to Allison.

"Thanks, mom. Yeah, please don't let dad embarrass me." Allison whined as she headed out the door.

"I love you!" Stiles called out after her. "Lyd, she's bringing a freaking boy home. They're not aloud anywhere past that staircase. Only the living room and the kitchen is acceptable." Stiles said, sitting back down on the stool with his head in his hands.

Lydia came up behind him. She placed a kiss on his cheek as she wrapped her small arms around his body and rested her chin on his back.

"Why are you taking this so hard?" Lydia asked, sighing. Stiles felt Lydia's whole body sigh as the hairs on the back of his neck stood. All these years later, and she still has that affect on him.

"She's our baby girl, Lydia. I don't want her growing up and leaving me just yet." Stiles frowned, rubbing his hands over Lydia's arms.

"She's not going anywhere for a while. Yeah, she'll always be our little girl but if you smother her she'll just grow up being one of those moody teenagers who wants to have pink hair and tells their parents to fuck off everyday." Lydia smiled.

Stiles chucked as he turned around. Lydia stood between his legs as her arms were wrapped around his shoulders and interlocked behind his neck. Stiles hands were on Lydia's lower back. He brushed his thumb over her smooth skin which made her smile.

"We're so lucky." Stiles said, looking around and then back at Lydia.

"Yeah, we are." Lydia smiled back, placing a long kiss to Stiles' lips.


The doorbell rang as Stiles immediately jumped off the couch and headed to the front door. It was 3:47pm, the time Allison normally comes home from school.

Stiles knew this time she's accompanied by a boy.

Stiles answered the door to see Allison and a boy about 3 inches taller than she was. He has brown hair and soft eyes, he could tell he was a good kid.

That wouldn't stop Stiles from using his FBI training.

Lydia cut off Stiles as she by the side of him and pulled him out of the doorframe so the teenagers could come in.

"Mom, dad. This is Jake. Jake, this is my mom Lydia and my dad Stiles." Allison introduced.

"Hi Jake, nice to meet you." Lydia smiled politely as she shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Stilinski." Jake shook back.

"Please, call me Lydia."

"Sorry, Lydia." Jake corrected. "Mr Stilinski." Jake said, holding out a hand.

Polite kid.

"Hi Jake. I'm Stiles." He shook as he greeted him with a warm and gentle smile. "Hey sweetie, how was your day?" Stiles said, kissing Allison on the forehead.

Allison smiled up at her father. She was proud she had him and how her mother kept her promise for him not to embarrass her.

"It was good dad. Maybe me and Jake could chill in the living room and watch a movie."

"Sure. I'll get some food." Lydia smiled, nodding to the both of them as they walked into the living room and turned on the tv.

"You've done good." Lydia smiled, pecking his lips.

"I'm trying." Stiles replied, laughing.

one shots | stydia जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें