Stydia|| Metal Detector.

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A gigantic thump was heard, which made Lydia jump up out of her skin and grab the closest thing near her.

"It's me! Fuck, Lyd it's me!" Stiles screamed, as Lydia bounced up ready to swing the baseball bat that was clutched tightly between her hands.

"Fuck! Stiles! What are you doing in my bedroom! It's 3 in the morning for god's sake!" Lydia sighed, sitting in the edge of her bed and held her head from previous panic.

"A baseball bat, baby I've taught you well."


"Okay, okay." Stiles surrendered. "I came through your window. I always tell you to lock it, Lyd."

"My fucking window, are you insane!" Lydia whisper shouted. "Every week. Every week you drag me out of bed like I'm some sort of supernatural metal detector. What is it this time, Stiles! A fox run across the street that has been misinterpreted to be a werewolf!"

"Damn." Stiles said, putting his hand to his heart and pulling one shoulder back. "That hurt. I'm doing this for the sake of this town."

"And not for the sake of my physical and mental need to sleep?" Lydia asked, tying her hair back into a messy bun and slipping on some old Uggs after.

"I'll think about that after we investigate."

"You're an ass." Lydia said, grabbing her coat from her door as she opened it ever so slowly.

Stiles stood dangerously close behind her.



"You're breathing on my neck." Lydia said, standing still with her hand on the door knob.

"Whoops, sorry." Stiles replied, backing away and giving Lydia some personal space.

"It's okay." Lydia said as she turned around seductively. "It was kinda hot." She started to play with the collar of his dark purple flannel. He could feel her stare go through his body like an electric shock. 

"Uh-um. R-really?"

"I'm playing with you. Payback for climbing in my window." Lydia said, as she turned around and flipped her hair along with her.

"You can be a real asswhole Lyd, you know that right?!" Stiles chuckled as he exited the room and shut the door quietly behind him.

"Asswhole is my middle name, Stilinski."


"Stiles I'm hungry."




"Stiles I want to fucking eat." Lydia whined.

They were sat in the jeep, Stiles has been staring through binoculars, looking at the same space for almost an hour. It's now 4:03am and Lydia was cranky. Mainly because she was hungry and tiered.

"Do you feel anything?" Stiles asked, eyes still looking through the binoculars.


"No." Stiles said. "Apart from that. Like any death, tragedy? Something, anything!"

"Stiles, I can't feel anything. Maybe we should try again tomorrow and stop in the 24 hour McDonalds on the way home."

Stiles sighed, putting his binoculars down for the first time within that hour.


They sat in McDonalds. The flickering dim lights made the room seem creepy, though they didn't really care. It was McDonald's.

"I'm sorry the plan didn't work out tonight. Even though I never know what your plan is except from sitting in the Jeep for hours." Lydia said, biting into her chicken nuggets as she looked at Stiles.

He sighed. He sighed because again he failed, he knew something was going on. Just like he knew Matt was guilty, Theo was guilty and all that jazz. He knew he was right, and he wasn't giving up that easily.

"I'm not giving up, Lyd. I don't know what's going on but, I feel it. It's like every atom in my body is itching under my skin and won't stop until I solve what the fuck is going on." Stiles cussed, sipping on his drink.

"You're getting good at this detective stuff." Lydia smiled brightly which instantly put him in a good mood.

Maybe cases didn't work out so well, he didn't complain though seeing as he was eating McDonalds with Lydia Martin early hours in the night.

It's all he could really ask for.

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