Stydia|| Happy Birthday.

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It was Lydia Martins birthday. It was the Lydia Martins birthday and no one had any invites, no one had a Facebook or twitter notification. No one had anything.

This was unusual for 3 specific reasons:
1) Lydia Martin throws the best party's in Beacon Hills.
2) She hasn't missed a birthday party until she was 7 years old.
3) Lydia loved being the hostess and showered with attention. She was the most adored, popular girl in school for Christ sake.

Although, Lydia has changed a lot. But has she changed that much she wouldn't throw her annual birthday party?

That's what Stiles was thinking. She didn't attend school that day, though Stiles did get a strange text from the strange girl.

From: Lydia💋
Hey, my house. Could you come as soon as poss? Xx

Stiles had his keys in his hands, as he just came through his door. It was 3:17pm when he left and he arrived at Lydia's at 3:24pm.

He knocked on the door, although he furrowed his eyebrows because as he knocked, the door already creeped open.

"Lydia?" Stiles called inside the house. His deep voice echoed through out the halls.

"In here." A small voice cried. Stiles walked up the grand stairs, and walked down the hall. He took a right, and then a left until he reached the door to Lydia's bedroom.

This house may be huge, but he knew his was around the ol' boy.

Stiles knocked, a very small and messy haired Lydia answered. Her hair was up in a messy bun, a fluffy onesie held her body together; it even had the feet covers. Her cheeks were flushed and around her nose was a little red.

"Happy birthday!" Stiles said excitedly. He handed her a little bag.

"Stiles." Lydia smiled. "You really shouldn't have." Lydia moved to the side, gesturing Stiles to come into her room. It was quite warm.

Then Stiles summed everything up.
Lydia one wears onesies and has the heating on in her room if she's unwell. Normally, she hates the heat in her room because her feet becomes irritated. She must be feeling bad, Stiles thought.

"Lydia, are you feeling okay?" Stiles asked, sitting on the end of her bed as he put her legs under her covers. Glee was playing silently in the background, as she was watching the memorial episode for Finn.

Oh no, this was serious.

"Oh god, do I look that bad?" Lydia asked, her knees tucked up to her chest and both her small hands rested on her cheeks.

"No; no no no god no-you look perfec-i mean you look fine it's just i-"

"Stiles!" Lydia laughed, this was followed up by a chesty cough.

"Open your present. It would make you feel better?" Stiles said, shifting excitedly on the bottom of Lydia's bed.

It was a small ring in a pandora box. The thing is, it wasn't just a cheesy, cliche pandora ring that every guy gets their girlfriends.

God, that's not how Stiles Stilinski treated Lydia Martin.

It was an illusion of a string, a red string to be exact. Tied in a perfect, yet messy bow. This reminded Lydia that she never had to doubt herself.

"Stiles - I."

"Save it." Stiles smiled, resting his large hand over what he presumed was her knee under the thick blanket. "Let me go get you some soup or something." He went to stand up, but Lydia stopped him.

"I'd prefer McDonald's." Lydia smiled.

That's my girl. Stiles thought.

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