Stydia|| The Night Before.

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"Holy hell, fuck sake Lydia I can't fucking do this anymore." Stiles cussed, running his hands through his hair.

"Do what Stiles? Just tell me!" Lydia cried. They were in the back yard of some frat party. Red solo cups laced the green grass. Lydia had tears running down her cheeks.

"I've been living with you off campus for a year now Lydia. A year! I've been hiding my feelings for you for a year! I've been loving you silently for one, fucking year!"

Lydia was dead in her tracks, evidentially so was Stiles. Lydia could feel her heartbeat in her ears and Stiles was running on adrenaline so his nervous ticks started to make a scene. He couldn't stop wailing his arms about and his legs were bouncing even though his feet didn't leave the ground.

"Y-you. Stiles, don't ruin what we have!" Lydia cried. She loved him, fuck she loved him to. "I could never be good enough for you."

"Bullshit." Stiles cursed.

"Excuse me?" Lydia replied, slurring.

"Bullshit." He repeated. Hands firmly on his waist as he shook his head.

"No Stiles, you deserve some one who would put your needs before theirs! Someone who you stay up all night with and spill out your heart and soul to!"

"You've basically described yourself." Stiles sassed.

She loved him.
She loved him.
She loved him.
He loved her.
Perfect time for Lydia to fuck things up like she normally does.

"You know what?" Stiles said, taking his hands off of his waist and slapped them on his thighs as he quickly leant forward. "I'm done. I'm leaving. See you at home."

"No, Stiles. Don't leave me please." Lydia cried. Her wet hair stuck to her cheeks as she sniffed. She was drunk, too drunk to stay by herself. "Please don't leave me."

Stiles stopped in his tracks as didn't dare to turn around.

"Ask that guy you were sucking faces with to drive you home. Later, Lyd." Stiles said.

And he left.

He felt so bad. So bad that when he got home, he stared at the ceiling for hours. He wasn't running on alcohol any more. He was running on adrenaline and sheer embarrassment.

That's why he called the only person that can take his mind off of Lydia Martin.

Flashback over.

Lydia woke up to the comfort of her own bed and an insanely dry mouth. She knew what happened only a few hours ago, she didn't want to emerge from her room.

She had to.

She walked out of her bedroom and into the bathroom. She turned on the little speaker on the shelf and put her shower playlist on and turned up up loud enough to let Stiles know she was home.

She showered and washed her insanely long strawberry blonde locks. She stayed in the shower a little longer that morning. Only because she was in deep. She wasn't ready to face him yet. It was normally the best part about her day. Seeing him in the morning, exchanging flirty jokes and blaming each other on who's fault it was because their tenth pancake burnt in a row.

She sighed. It was time to face the music. She wrapped her long hair in the red towel and dressed in leggings and a baggy Led Zeppelin tee.

Stiles was in the kitchen,  lazily clinking his spoon in his bowl. He was sulking. His head rested on his hand while the other was keeping busy with the spoon, he wanted to hit himself in the head with it.

Did he embarrass himself last night? That's a given.

Did he regret it? Not a fucking chance.

Lydia left the bathroom and saw him, her breath hitched in her throat as his eyes caught hers.

"Hey." She said, smiling softly.

"Hi." He said, with the same monotone.

"Hey, Lydia! Long time no see!" Malia smiled, coming out of Stiles' bedroom and hugging Lydia. She was taken back. For one; why the fuck was Malia, out of all people, emerging from Stiles' bedroom.

"Malia? Hi." Lydia laughed and Stiles smirked. It was on obvious fake laugh to him.

"Text me soon, we will catch up over coffee?" Malia asked, finally letting Lydia out of her uncomfortable embrace and backing up a bit.

"Of course!" Lydia replied.

'fake again' Stiles noted.

"Are you coming?" Malia asked Stiles, sending him a flirtatious wink which made Lydia want to gag and then maybe put her head through a wall.

"I'll meet you outside." Stiles replied, standing up and putting his wallet in his jeans. Malia walked outside after sending Lydia a small smile.

Lydia was confused. She knew she was in love with Stiles; she gathered and received that information last night. But, she thought Stiles was in love with her. She didn't like how some nice girl who she can't bring herself to like, was having sex with Stiles in her apartment.

They were on spring break, its not like Lydia can escape to her courses and ignore it. What if she starts spending more nights here? What if they have to lay an extra place out on the dinner table. What if she takes Lydia's space when its movie night and her legs are rested over Stiles instead of hers? No. That is another level not okay.

"Seriously Stiles? I see what your game is." Lydia said, crossing her arms while she kissed her teeth.

Stiles smirked as he walked out of their small kitchen and stood tall in front of her.

"And what would that be, Lydia?" Stiles challenged.

Lydia narrowed her eyes and tapped her small foot.

"You're in love with me. Not her." Lydia said, although it came across as more of a demand.

"Yes?" Stiles questioned acting dumb.

Lydia was taken back. So he was in love with her?

"Yes?" Lydia repeated.

"Yes, I'm in love with you? Your point is?" Stiles said. Tilting his head slightly to the side and licked his lips. He looked very intrigued.

"That's exactly my point. You're in love with me and you're sleeping with Malia!" Lydia whisper shouted as Malia was right on the other side of the door.

"You're in love with me and you blatantly tolled me you don't want to be with me. Yes, I'm trying to move on with Malia who actually likes me and wants to be with me. I love you. Fuck, I love you. Im not gonna wait around forever Lydia. You need to understand that."

And just like last night, he left again.

He left Lydia pacing back and forth on her heel. She bit her nails and stared at the clean floor.

She loved him, so why the fuck isn't she going for it? What was wrong with her?

After an hour of pacing, she admitted that she fully loved him. She did. She loved his little dent in his nose. The moles that scattered across his cheeks and neck. His shaggy hair when he'd just wake up or when his small fringe would stick to his forehead after a shower.

Stiles walked in, with no Malia as Lydia smiled in delight.

"I didn't say it back." Lydia stood quickly and faced him. Their heights didn't even compare.

"What?" Stiles questioned, mouth agape as he could already feel the sweat seaping through.

"I didn't say it back." Lydia repeated. Stiles smiled. He smiled a smile that Lydia hasn't seen for a while. She liked it. She loved it.

"You don't have to." Stiles said, walking towards her as he crashed his lips on hers.

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