Justin: Oh I am

Ally: Okay guys go ahead and head outside to the booth.

Selena and Justin walked hand in hand to the backyard were the truth booth was. It was basically a room were the couple would enter and stand, they would get scanned and in front of them was a huge screen that would show "perfect match" or "no match".

Meanwhile, everyone back at the house also had a screen in front of them and they would see the results at the same time as the couple.

Ally: Okay guys, Goodluck.

Ally left, We wouldn't see her until the next date challenge. Now everyone was waiting for the results, we were trending in twitter once again. Everyone was sure they were a perfect match.

Selena: I'm so nervous

Justin: Me too

They took each others hands as the machine scanned their bodies. It took a few seconds, everyone at the house was nervous, they were sweating.

The machine stopped and in front of them popped up the results. The house grew quiet, the couple hold on to each other a little longer.

" No Match"

Twitter was about to break with all the "Jelena" shippers going crazy, the couple seemed sad, the house was dissappointed they didn't get their first perfect match but two people could be seen smiling.

Justin: No, that thing has to be wrong. You're my match

Selena: I don't think it would make a mistake, I feel horrible

Justin: You're my match, I can't just let you go. I love you

Selena: Justin, Stop. I feel sad but..

Justin: No, You're my match. Who gives a fuck about this stupid machine

Selena: Love experts put us with someone else for a reason, I like you but if you're not my match that means he's somewhere in there and i want to find him

Justin: You're moving on just like that?

Selena: No, I like you and it'll take a while to move on but we have to if we want to win

Justin: Fuck the money. Promise to be with me no matter what happens

Selena: Justin i just can't promise that.

Justin: I knew you didn't like me as much as i did, I'm an idiot. Fuck this

Selena: Stop, Wait.

Justin took off and entered the house, his eyes were watery and his face red. He was mad, sad and frustrated that the girl he wanted wouldn't be his.

Justin: Congrats, She's all yours

Justin said to Abel as he took off up the stairs not saying anything else. The whole house in shock on how much this had affected the boy. Selena walked in with tears streaming down her face as all the girls hugged her and took her outside to comfort her.

Dinah: It'll be okay, You will find your perfect match

Lauren: Yeah

Taylor: Look, I think we're all getting all in our feels too soon

Normani: What do you mean?

Taylor: I think we're all over thinking this, we're falling too hard just to find our damn perfect match and it shouldn't be that way

Are you the one? (Camren / Larry Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat